Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Chandigarh, November 14 - In a dynamic interaction with the youth of Haryana, Chief Minister, Sh. Manohar Lal while interacting with the youths, in the age group of 24 and 25 through audio concerning here today gave a powerful message, highlighting the pivotal role of the younger generation in shaping the future of the country.

The interaction was a part of the ongoing CM ki Vishesh Charcha programme, centered on the digital and modern economy, offering a roadmap for success through 20 transformative 'Mantras.'

Nothing is impossible; adopt a positive and open-minded approach to challenges

Sh. Manohar Lal said that nothing is impossible in life. He urged the youth to adopt a positive and open-minded approach to challenges. We should believe that nothing is difficult; instead, we should face it as a challenge and confront it, only then can we achieve success, he said.

He said that challenges will come in life, but one must overcome those obstacles to move forward. In this age group, drugs and other wrong habits do attract the youngster but one must avoid it by following the right direction with a positive approach and should also inspire others towards a positive direction.

Do not imitate others; strive for excellence in one task

Sh. Manohar Lal advised the youth not to imitate others. Unique experiences and nurturing make us individuals.  Citing the English proverb, ‘Jack of all trades, master of none’, we should aim to excel in the work in which we are good. Besides this, we should also believe in teamwork as sometimes, working together with others is necessary even for small tasks, he said.

Maintain a positive mindset in life, and let there be enthusiasm and zeal in the heart

The Chief Minister said, our mindset should be positive and there should be a desire to accomplish something in life. If we are discouraged and harbor negative thoughts, we will never prosper. For a positive outlook in life, it is essential to engage in regular exercise, maintain good habits, and keep learning new things, he said. He suggested that one should travel to new places, meet new people. Through constant new experiences, our self-confidence will strengthen, and we will be able to face challenges with determination, said Sh. Manohar Lal.

Take Advantage of Government Schemes

Sh. Manohar Lal emphasized the role of government schemes such as Digital India and Skill India as stepping stones to a better future, encouraging the youth to capitalize on these opportunities. Meanwhile, the remaining 'Mantras' covered a spectrum of opportunities, from contributing to smart city development to engaging in e-governance initiatives and innovating in health tech.

Avoid negativity on social media and contribute to building a prosperous society

The Chief Minister advised the youth on the use of social media and cautioned them about its misuse. While acknowledging the usefulness of social media today, he said that some mischievous individuals use it to spread negativity. It is important to avoid falling into their traps and not deviate from the right path, he emphasized.

Our destiny is in our hands, and we should step out of our comfort zones. Do not hesitate to take risks. Express gratitude towards those who invest their time, resources, and influence in your favor. Instead of categorizing new ideas as good or bad, find ways to make them effective. Research has shown that approaching things this way leads to a more promising path to success, said Sh. Manohar Lal.

He encouraged accumulating two keys to progress i.e performance and relationship. He said that one should strive to perform better than people's expectations, which will enhance your reputation. Furthermore one should also maintain good relationships with people, and as a team player, you can achieve significant things in life.

The Chief Minister also stressed the importance of learning to stay happy in life. A happy person is someone who experiences more joy, enthusiasm, and pride, and less sadness, worries, and anger, he said. He urged everyone to work together to increase the Happiness Index in Haryana.

Encouraging the younger generation, the Chief Minister highlighted the vital balance between time and financial pursuits, emphasizing the significance of acknowledging time as an invaluable resource alongside monetary goals.

He also advocated the youth to incorporate yoga and meditation practices into daily routines to foster mental and physical well-being.  He said that staying engaged in meaningful work is vital for both personal and professional growth, serving as a deterrent to negative thoughts.

Notably, with these 20 Mantras, the Chief Minister offered a comprehensive approach, urging the youth to embrace a mindful and balanced lifestyle that encompasses time management, mental wellness, positivity, personal growth, and societal contributions.

Principal Secretary, Youth Empowerment and Entrepreneurship Department, Sh. Vijayendra Kumar, Additional Principal Secretary to Chief Minister and Director General, Information, Public Relations, Language and Culture Department, Dr. Amit Agrawal and Political Advisor to Chief Minister, Sh. B.B. Bharti also remained present.