Thursday, February 15, 2018
  • Chandigarh, Feb 15--Crediting the youth with bringing about a revolutionary change in the country and Haryana by electing BJP governments, the Chief Minister, Mr Manohar Lal, said today that during its tenure of over three years, the present state government had not only put an end to corruption, regionalism and nepotism but also ensured uniform development of all parts of the state.
  • Mr Manohar Lal was addressing the well attended ‘Hunkar Yuva Rally’ in Jind. The BJP National President, Mr Amit Shah, was also present on this occasion.
  • Welcoming Mr Amit Shah, the Chief Minister said about three-and-a-half-years ago, the country witnessed a major change when the BJP formed government at the Centre under the able and dynamic leadership of the Prime Minister, Mr Narendra Modi. Five months later, expressing faith in the policies and programmes of the BJP, the youth and the people voted BJP to power in Haryana also with full majority. The entire credit for this change goes to the youth, he added.
  • Slamming the opposition parties in the state, he said the people of Haryana who had got fed up with the politics of corruption, regionalism and nepotism voted BJP to power to get rid of the misrule of earlier governments.
  • “I have visited all the 90 Assembly constituencies and announced various area-specific development projects. Today, there is no Assembly constituency where development works have not been undertaken by the present state government”, the Chief Minister said. He asked people to answer if his government had eradicated regionalism and corruption in the state or not. On this, the people replied in the affirmative by raising their hands. 
  • Mr Manohar Lal said though the present government had been successful in filling most of the pits dug by the previous government yet there were some more challenges to be met. The state government has not only endded the politics of ‘loot and Khasoot’ of the previous political parties which aimed at just fulfilling their own coffers but also kept a check on the transfer industry where transfers were effected from Chandigarh through money power. 
  • Earlier, tenders were allotted to contractors as desired by the government but we have implemented the process of e-tendering to end discrimination and ensure transparency in the allotment of government works. Similarly, the farmers were not paid money even after acquisition of their land. But now, land of the farmers is acquired for development projects only, and, that too, with their consent and the payment is made soon after acquisition, he added. 
  • Mr Manohar Lal said the Kundli-Manesar-Palwal (KMP) Expressway should have been completed in 2010. Now, with the state government’s efforts, the KMP would be completed by March 31, 2018. Various industries would come up along this expressway which would generate employment opportunities for the youth of the state.  The present government has laid a robust network of raid-road infrastructure which has attracted various leading entrepreneurs to invest in Haryana. In 2014, Haryana ranked 14 in terms of ease of doing business whereas at present we are way ahead and are close to clinching the top slot in the ease of doing business ranking.  The present government is working for the welfare and uplift of all sections of the society, including farmers, women and youth and Haryana is way ahead of other states in many parameters, the Chief Minister added.  
  • Earlier, speaking on this occasion, BJP State President, Mr Subhash Barala, said party workers from 17,018 booths in the state had come to attend the Yuva Hunkar Rally. As a result of the hard work put in by National BJP president, Mr Amit Shah, the party has been strengthened in the country and in Haryana.
  • Since the opposition is not able to digest the growing popularity of the BJP, it tried to disrupt the rally. The people of the state are well aware of their political gimmicks and would not accept the politics of fear and threat any more, he added.
  • The Union Minister of Steel, Mr Birender Singh, described the ‘Yuva Hunkar Rally’ as historical, and said it was for the first time when such a huge rally of party workers had been organized in the state. The way the Prime Minister is taking the country towards transformation he could easily say that BJP had become a pan-India party.
  • The Urban Local Bodies Minister, Mrs Kavita Jain, said BJP was the largest democratic party not only in the country but in the entire world. At present, 19 states in the country have BJP Governments. Prior to 2014, there was rampant corruption, regionalism and nepotism in the country as well as in Haryana. The youth has shown faith in the leadership of the Prime Minister and BJP National President, Mr Amit Shah, and the BJP formed government in the country and the state with clear majority, she added.  
  • Member of Parliament, Mr Ratan Lal Kataria, Education Minister, Mr Ram Bilas Sharma, and Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare Minister, Mr O.P Dhankar, also spoke on this occasion.