Sunday, February 27, 2022

Chandigarh, February 27 - Haryana Government is in constant touch with the Union Ministry of External Affairs to bring back the children stuck in Ukraine. Till date 700 children have been brought to India. Right now the government is trying to bring more students via Romania, Hungary and Poland.

The Chief Minister, Sh. Manohar Lal shared this information while interacting with the media persons at the 38th State Level Livestock Exhibition held at Bhiwani.
Responding to questions regarding expensive medical education, the Chief Minister said that the Prime Minister himself has appealed that private colleges should reduce the medical courses fee so that the children of India do not have to go aboard for studies. In Haryana, also more than 12 medical colleges are being constructed. The government will try to open more government medical colleges.

He said that the government is working tirelessly for the interests of the farmers and the government is determined for their prosperity and financial growth.

The Chief Minister said that he himself comes from a farmer’s family and has worked in the field with his father in his village. The Chief Minister said that his fellow ministers Sh. JP Dalal, Sh. Kanwar Pal, MP, Sh. Dharambir Singh belong to farmer families.

Responding to another question, he said that the issues highlighted in the farmers' agitation, were even raised thirty years ago during the Congress rule. It is a different matter that today Congress has started opposing these laws for the purpose of gaining their political interest.

Prime Minister, Sh. Narendra Modi repealed these three laws and every aspect of these laws is being reviewed by experts, scientists and commerce experts.

The Chief Minister said that Giridawari of the crops damaged due to hailstorm would also be done. The government has always stood for the interest of farmers. An amount of Rs. 561 crore as compensation for last year's Kharif crops is being disbursed. Under the Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana, insurance companies have approved compensation amounting to Rs. 800 crore.

He said that in the production of pure milk, in the coming times, Haryana would bag the first position in the entire country. Dedicated efforts will be made for this. The government will take strict action against those selling adulterated milk.

The Chief Minister said that even with public cooperation, great success can be achieved. ‘Beti Bachao Beti Padhao’ campaign launched in the year 2015 seems to be moving towards success. When this campaign started, the gender ratio was 870, which has now reached 934. Our target is to take it to 950, added Sh. Manohar Lal.