Saturday, March 18, 2023

Chandigarh, March 18- Haryana Chief Minister said that Auto Appeal Software (ASS) is playing a pivotal role in the timely delivery of services to the citizens. Since its launch on September 1, 2021, this system has not only brought radical changes in the age-old manual system of the government functioning but has also ensured transparency and accountability of the officers.

This was stated by Haryana Chief Minister while interacting directly with the beneficiaries of Auto Appeal Software (AAS) through audio conferencing today.

He said that the revolutionary changes brought by the present state government have certainly given a big sigh of relief to the common man not only in terms of getting their work done in a time bound manner but also saving their time to make rounds of the government offices.

During this, the beneficiaries expressed gratitude to the Chief Minister for starting this revolutionary system and ensuring the delivery of services in a time-bound manner.

Since the introduction of AAS, on one hand, public works have started being done with transparency, while on the other, accountability of the officers has also been fixed so that we get services within the stipulated time frame, asserted the beneficiaries.

384 services of 33 departments onboard

The Chief Minister informed that presently 384 services of 33 departments have been on boarded on AAS.  For this, the officers of the Right to Service Commission deserve appreciation.

He said that due to the implementation of AAS, an automatic appeal is made on behalf of the citizen to the First Grievance Redressal Authority if the service is not provided on time.  If the First Grievance Redressal Authority does not dispose of the appeal within 30 working days, the appeal automatically goes to the Second Grievance Redressal Authority.  Similarly, if the appeal is not disposed of within 30 working days, the appeal automatically is forwarded to the Right to Service Commission, shared Sh. Manohar Lal.

6,54,799 appeals have been filed, and 6,10,145 appeals have been disposed of

The Chief Minister said that regular monitoring of the AAS software is done by the Right to Service Commission. A total of 6,54,799 appeals have been filed under AAS from September 5, 2021, to March 17, 2023. Out of these, 6,10,145 appeals have been disposed of, informed Sh. Manohar Lal.

The Chief Minister said that Bhutan measures the satisfaction and happiness parameters of its citizens through the Happiness Index. The Haryana government is also moving forward in the direction of ease of living so that the lives of the people of the state become happy and prosperous.

He further informed that an appeal can also be filed online on the Antyodaya Saral portal or by calling the Saral helpline at 0172-3968400. About  5,765 appeals have been filed by the eligible persons on this system. It shows that common people have become aware of the Right to Services Act and AAS, said Sh. Manohar Lal.

Now no officer and employee cause delay in providing service

The Chief Minister said that the government has also implemented AAS effectively to check the delay in providing services by officers and employees. 

If the service is not provided within the prescribed period, then action is taken against the person for not clearing the file. Earlier very few complaints came to the Right to Services Commission as the common man did not know about this system but now, if the work is not done on time, the grievances about the concerned officer and employee automatically reaches the Commission, informed Sh. Manohar Lal.

Not only this, but now the first and second appellate officers have become aware of their responsibilities and rights. Due to the delay in rendering the service by some Second Appellate Authorities, the penalty has also been imposed on the concerned officer, further informed the Chief Minister.

He said that the government has directed the officers and employees to serve the public honestly because when the citizens are satisfied, society will be happy and prosperous.

Many successful examples of solving problems with AAS

Sh. Manohar Lal said that the grievance related to the billing complaint of Sbiha Fard of Gurugram, the old age pension of Rampal Sharma, resident of Karnal, and the scholarship amount received by Rahul, resident of Jind district under the Dr. Ambedkar Medhavi Chattar Yojna was also resolved through AAS. 

Haryana government is swiftly moving towards providing an appeal-free system to the citizens so that people get all the services within the stipulated period and do not need to appeal at any level.

Similarly, in the Revenue Department, earlier appeals had to be made at many levels. While addressing this, the State Government abolished the remand system and made provisions for making appeals at only up to two levels. This has brought great relief to the people of the State, said Sh. Manohar Lal.

Several welfare schemes linked with e-services

The Chief Minister said that the government has linked many services and schemes with e-services. Just as the Right to Service Commission has done the work of making its service accessible to the general public through the Auto Appeal System. Similarly, the government has ensured the common man's access to government services and schemes through e-governance through various websites, portals, and apps.

Today any citizen can get 663 schemes and services of 50 departments with just one click. Because of these pioneering initiatives, we are known for maximum governance, minimum government said Sh. Manohar Lal.

Additional Principal Secretary to Chief Minister, Dr. Amit Agrawal, Chief Commissioner, Haryana Right to Service Commission, Sh. T. C. Gupta and Political Advisor to Chief Minister, Sh. B. B. Bharti also remained present on this occasion.