Saturday, May 20, 2023

Chandigarh, May 20: With the state government celebrating the year 2023 as ‘Antyodaya Arogya Varsh’, Chief Minister, Sh. Manohar Lal exhorted the Chief Minister Good Governance Associates (CMGGA) to cooperate in ensuring the implementation of schemes related to this on the ground.

The Chief Minister held a meeting with the Good Governance Associates and discussed about various schemes being implemented by the state government.

He apprised them about various schemes including construction of parks-cum-vyayamshalas on two acres of land in every village; in the direction of making the citizens healthy. So far 650 parks-cum-vyayamshalas have been built. In addition, a target has been set for this year to build 1,000 more parks-cum-vyayamshalas. Besides, wellness centers will also be set up with appointment of dieticians.

The Chief Minister said that CMGGA should monitor other activities including setting up of these park-cum-vyayamshalas, facilities provided in them and presence of people; so that expeditious implementation on the ground can be ensured. Apart from this, the government is also considering setting up indoor and open gymnasiums in villages, he added.

Meanwhile, to make the de-addiction campaign successful in the state, Sh. Manohar Lal said that the government will set up drug de-addiction centers and the cooperation of saints will also be taken in this work. He instructed the CMGGA to keep monitoring the government and private drug de-addiction centers currently running across the state.

CMGGA must ensure government schemes reach eligible beneficiary on time

The Chief Minister said that in the last eight-and-a-half-years, the state government has implemented various schemes for the welfare of the citizens. “The Good Governance Associates should cooperate in delivery of services to the eligible beneficiaries easily and transparently under these schemes with close monitoring at every level,” he said.

The CMGGA apprised the Chief Minister that under the Mukhyamantri Antyodaya Parivar Utthan Yojana (MMAPUY), efforts would be made to invite more families to the Antyodaya Melas in the fourth phase and provide them employment.

The Chief Minister instructed that a list of such families should be prepared, whose CIBIL scores are bad and they are facing difficulty in getting loans from banks. “The government is also considering to get the CIBIL scores of such beneficiaries improved, so that the target of economic upliftment of the needy families can be achieved,” he added.

Pilot project in four districts under Happiness Index

The CMGGA apprised the Chief Minister that on his directions, an action plan has been prepared to measure the Happiness Index during the first two months, to make the lives of the citizens happy on the lines of Bhutan. According to this action plan, the people will be surveyed on pilot project basis in four districts - Ambala, Faridabad, Karnal and Hisar. During this, personal, family and social happiness along with satisfaction level will be measured.

Government will ensure well-being of elderly living alone

The Chief Minister said that the data of Parivar Pehchan Patra has revealed that there are elderly people above 80 years of age who are living alone in the state. He said that the state government has formulated the Varishta Nagrik Sewa Ashram Scheme, under which elderly will be provided care in a Sewa Ashram where all facilities including healthcare for senior citizens will be available under one roof. The government has set a target for Sewa Ashrams at the district level and the CMGGA should also ensure to contribute to this work as well, he added.

CMGGA should set goals in coordination with Zila Parishads

Sh. Manohar Lal said that the government has assigned the task of constructing bus queue shelters on every route to the Zila Parishads in the villages. “The CMGGA should fix targets in coordination with the Zila Parishads and continuously monitor them,” he said, adding that the work should be done with special focus on how to increase the reuse of water treated by Wastewater Treatment Plants and STPs.

The Chief Minister also guided the CMGGA regarding the implementation of flagship schemes of the government including SVAMITVA Yojana (Urban and Rural), Meri Fasal Mera Byora, Super-100 and Buniyaad program.

In the meeting, the CMGGA informed that during the first two months in the field, they analysed the Mukhyamantri Antyodaya Parivar Utthan Yojana, e-Adhigam Yojana, Model Sanskriti School, Nirogi Haryana, Gram Darshan and Nagar Darshan Portal and Amrit Sarovar schemes at the ground level and worked to solve the problems and challenges in their implementation by coordinating with the Deputy Commissioners.

Small sapling planted as CMGGA taken form of big tree today: Dr Amit Agrawal

On the occasion, Additional Principal Secretary to the Chief Minister and Project Director, Chief Minister's Good Governance Associates Program, Dr Amit Agrawal said that since 2016, the CMGGA program is a strategic collaboration between Ashoka University and Haryana Government to leverage the energy, creativity and skills of the youth to work on the priorities of the state and promote good governance.

He said that as per the directions of the Chief Minister, the government was using IT at every level to facilitate the delivery of citizen services. “A small sapling planted as CMGGA since the year 2016 has taken the form of a big tree today and results are coming as expected,” he added.

Founder, Ashoka University, Sh. Vineet Gupta, CEO Samagra, Sh. Gaurav Goel, Sh. Ravi Pahuja and Sh. Rakesh Makhija from Hero MotoCorp and Sh. Tarun Anthony from Cisco also participated in the meeting and assured continued support to the state government in the form of CMGGA.