Thursday, April 13, 2023

Chandigarh, April 13: Chief Minister, Sh. Manohar Lal has announced that in the next three months, the work of renovation of Phirni will be done in 135 Mahagrams of the state with a population of above 10,000. It will directly benefit the people of the villages and other passers-by, he added.

The Chief Minister was responding to a demand placed regarding construction work of Phirni during the Jan Samvad programme at Uttawar village in Palwal district on Thursday.

He also announced the construction of a new 66 KV sub-station to ensure uninterrupted power supply in Uttawar village and other adjoining villages. “If the gram panchayat will provide the land to the corporation in 10 days, then the sub-station construction work will be started with immediate effect," he said.

During the Jan Samvad programme, the people of Gulesra village of Dhakalpur panchayat requested for construction of a road up to the village; which was immediately approved by the Chief Minister.

Till now 242 people of Uttawar village benefitted from Ayushman Yojana

The Chief Minister said that Ayushman cards of 10,000 people in Uttawar village with a population of about 20,000, have been made and out of them; 242 people have got treatment worth Rs. 6.5 lakh, free of cost.

He said that under the Parivar Pehchan Patra (PPP), 1,300 new ration cards have been made in the village. “Government jobs have been given to 20 youths in the village and no village in the area would remain deprived of road connectivity,” said Sh. Manohar Lal, adding that the government has recently approved the work of renovation of roads worth Rs 25 crore for this constituency.

Panchayat should get PPP cards of all families made

The Chief Minister said that the Parivar Pehchan Patra (PPP) is not only beneficial to the family, but also to the panchayat; as the grant received from the government is given to the villages according to the population. “That is why the sarpanches should get PPP cards of all families made immediately,” he added.

Amrit Sarovar at Uttawar village by next month

The Chief Minister inspected the Amrit Sarovar being built in the village and said that it will be dedicated to the people in May. He said that the state government is working with the spirit of ensuring welfare of the people. “In order to provide all possible facilities to the common man with uplifting the standard of living, the benefits of the schemes under the Parivar Pehchan Patra are being extended to the eligible people directly,” he asserted.

On the occasion, MLA Sh. Praveen Dagar, OSD to Chief Minister, Sh. Jawahar Yadav along with sarpanches and other officers were present.