Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Chandigarh, April 15 – The Government procurement of Mustard which began by today in the mandis has become a memorable occasion for the farmers as for the first time Haryana Chief Minister, Mr. Manohar Lal asked farmers to recount their experiences of their first day in the mandis while speaking to them over the phone during the Haryana Aaj programme.

During the interaction, Chief Minister assured the farmers that they will not face any difficulties even in future whether it is for the purchase of mustard or wheat, during procurement in the mandis.

The Chief Minister appealed to the farmers who came to the mandis with their mustard produce to inform other farmers as well that they should bring their produce to the mandis to sell only on the days allotted to them.

During the conversation, farmers informed the Chief Minister that while selling their mustard produce care was taken to wear masks and maintain social distancing. In addition to that masks and sanitizers were also readily available in the mandis, they informed.

The Chief Minister appealed to the farmers to wash their hands thoroughly with soap and use sanitizers on their hands before doing any other work after returning to their homes from the Mandis. He asked them to make sure that the rest of the farmers of the village are also informed that when they brought their crops on the scheduled day they do not forget to do the same after returning home.

The Chief Minister talked to Ajay, a farmer from Rajgarh village in District Bhiwani, Chandra Bose, a farmer from Jhadla village, and Sushil, a farmer from Beri in District Jhajjar, who informed the Chief Minister that they had brought 25 quintals, 27 quintals, and 32 quintals of mustard and did not face any problem while selling their produce as efficient arrangements had been made in the mandis.

They said that it was for the first time, they sold their mustard produce while wearing masks and maintaining social distancing which was a new experience for them and the Haryana Government deserved congratulations for making this a very memorable day.