Monday, February 17, 2020

Chandigarh February 17: Haryana Chief Minister, Mr Manohar Lal described the State Government’s initiative to hold pre-budget consultation meeting with different stakeholders including the MLAs as a historical step in the democratic system of the country and said that Haryana is probably the first State in the country where the Budget of the State is being finalized with the participation of all and hoped that other states of the country would also replicate this Haryana model.

Mr Manohar Lal was addressing the Ministers and MLAs at the inaugural session of 3-day Pre-Budget Consultation Meeting 2020-21 with MLAs organized at Panchkula near here today. Deputy Chief Minister, Mr Dushyant Chautala, Speaker, Haryana Vidhan Sabha Mr Gian Chand Gupta and Deputy Speaker Mr Ranbir Gangwa were also present in the meeting.

On this occasion, MLAs from different political parties gave their suggestions on different topics including measures to increase farmer’s income, eliminate stubble burning, improve the receding ground water table, fisheries, increase production and productivity and nutritional and adequate food for all.

While welcoming the MLAs, the Chief Minister said that it is a matter pride that today the MLAs have given their suggestions by rising above the party lines and assured them that all their viable suggestions would be incorporated in the State Budget for the year 2020-21. The Chief Minister made it clear that the Budget is yet to be finalized assuring that suggestions to be given by the public representatives in 6 sessions during the 3-day discussion would be given due importance in the upcoming budget. He exhorted the opposition parties not to politicize this issue which holds great public importance.

The Chief Minister said that prior to the consultation with MLAs, he also held pre-budget consultations with different other stakeholders including those associated with industry, service sector, agriculture, real estate, women and MPs. He said that even Lok Sabha Speaker felt extremely happy when he was informed about this initiative of the State Government where the suggestions of the people are being taken before finalizing the budget.

While describing budget as a two-way process, he asked the MLAs to also suggest the sources of revenue while recommending new schemes. He said that funds from the existing schemes which are not relevant in the present times could be utilized in new schemes.

He said that in the last five years, State Government has worked to meet all basic requirements of people of the State like food, shelter, clothing, water, electricity, education, security etc. Now, we are in the first year of the second term of the Government and a budget with the participation of all the Stake holders is being prepared so that we could fulfill the aspirations of the people with which they elected us, he added. He also underlined the need to meet emerging new challenges like pollution, quality of foodgrains and water scarcity and asked the public representatives to assist the state government in this endevour.

The Chief Minister said that State Government aims to ensure development of all sectors and the constructive suggestions from the MLAs in this regard would go a long way in preparing a good budget for the people of the State. He said that such type of pre-budget consultations should be organized every year so that Haryana could make its distinct identity in the country for preparing such a budget which would be in interest of all sections of the society.

Earlier, the Chief Minister also inaugurated an exhibition on 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of United Nations adopted by the State Government to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all.

Speaking on this occasion, Speaker Haryana Vidhan Sabha Mr Gian Chand Gupta said that it is for the first time when a pre-consultation with the MLAs is being organized with an aim to take their suggestions before finalizing the budget. He said that this initiative would ensure the participation of public representatives in finalizing the State Budget which would immensely benefit the people of the State.

Additional Chief Secretary, Finance and Planning Mr T.V.S.N Prasad said that it is the result of farsighted approach of Chief Minister Mr Manohar Lal who is also the Finance Minister that it has been decided to prepare the Budget in consultation with all stakeholders including MLAs. Mr Prasad also gave a brief presentation on the economic and general scenario of the State.

He informed that the growth rate of GDP in Haryana is 11 per cent which is better than the GDP rate of the country. He said that the budget of the State was Rs 73,301 crore in the year 2014-15 which has now increased to 1,32,165 crore . This increase in the budget reflects the progress of the State, he added. He said that the fiscal deficit of the State is 2.59 per cent which is well under the parameters.

Among those present in the meeting included Ministers, MLAs, Chief Secretary Mr Keshni Anand Arora, Principal Secretary to Chief Minister Mr Rajesh Khullar, Additional Principal Secretary to Chief Minister Mr V. Umashankar, Deputy Principal Secretary to Chief Minister Mrs Ashima Brar, Director General, Swarna Jayanti Haryana Institute for Fiscal Management Mr Vikas Gupta and other senior officers of the State Government.