Thursday, April 2, 2020

Chandigarh April 2: Haryana Chief Minister, Mr. Manohar Lal said that the State Government has decided to roll-out Telemedicine services in the State from today onward to provide better access to healthcare services to those people who are unable to visit hospitals. Apart from this, COVID-19 hospitals have been set up at 14 places with bed strength of 3000.

Mr Manohar Lal informed this during a video conferencing of Chief Ministers of States addressed by Prime Minister, Mr Narendra Modi from New Delhi. At Chandigarh here today Deputy Chief Minister, Mr Dushyant Chautala and Health Minister Mr Anil Vij were also present on this occasion.

The Chief Minister suggested that though at present there is adequate stock of PPE Kits in the State and orders for additional 2.50 lakh such kits have been placed, options for the import of more such kits should be considered. Emphasizing the need of Rapid Testing, he also suggested that Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) should further augment the testing facilities to effectively combat the COVID-19.

While thanking the Prime Minister, Mr Narendra Modi for announcing Special Relief Package of Rs 1.70 lakh crore for poor, farmers and those engaged in the medical profession, he requested the Central Government to defer the repayment of Rs 4000 crore of CCL and said that RBI should take up the debt payment.

Mr Manohar Lal said that as compared to other States, situation in Haryana is well under control. The Non Government Organizations (NGOs), other social organizations, volunteers and people of the State are extending full support to the State Government in its fight against the Novel Corona Virus. He said that directions given by the Prime Minister from time to time and also by other Central Government departments are being followed in letter and spirit. The State Government has ensured the continuity in supply chain of all essential commodities including medicines, he said adding that Haryana has so far been successful in controlling the community transmission of the disease.

The Chief Minister said that about 13,500 people in the State have been kept under surveillance. The samples of 817 people who have come in contact with positive Corona virus patients have been taken out of which 546 samples are found negative. He said that at present there are only 20 positive cases in the state which are under treatment as out of the 33 positive cases, 13 patients have been discharged from the hospitals.

Regarding the migrant labourers, the Chief Minister said that relief camps have been set up in the State for providing them basic facilities of food and shelter. At present 13,000 migrant labourers have taken shelter in these camps wherein counseling facility has also been arranged for them. Apart from this, an arrangement of Television (TV) has also been made in few camps, he said adding that people in these camps are also being encouraged to practice Yoga, meditation and other recreational activities. He said that few labourers have also expressed their desire to do work at the local level and the same is being considered.

While expressing concern over the Tablighi Jamaat gathering in Delhi's Nizamuddin area, Mr Manohar Lal said that 1277 Nizamuddin returnees including 107 foreign returned have been identified in five districts of the State. He said that passports of those returned from other countries have been confiscated. Apart from this, FIRs have been registered against them and action is being taken accordingly. He said 725 such people have been kept in quarantine.

He said that the State Government has taken several steps to provide relief to the people especially poor in this time of need. About 13.50 lakh construction workers are being provided financial assistance at the rate of Rs 1000 per week. He said that while an amount of Rs 3000 crore has already been spent on providing relief, a provision of additional Rs 1500 crore has been made for this month.

The Chief Minister said that Haryana Corona Relief Fund has been set up in the State and people have been appealed to generously contribute in this fund to help the State Government to combat COVID-19 Pandemic. Apart from this, the State Government employees are also coming forward and contributing a portion of their basic salaries. More than Rs 100 crore has so far been collected through the contributions. As still there are large numbers of people who have expressed their desire to contribute in the fund, it is expected that the amount of collection would be further increased.

The Chief Minister said that in view of the harvesting season, farmers in the State have been advised to store crop in their home as the State Government would make an arrangement of marketing of their produce in staggered way.