Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Chandigarh, July 24 – Haryana School Education Department will organise state level 'Saksham Samman Samaroh' at Panchkula on July 26. In Samman Samaroh, the Chief Minister, Mr. Manohar Lal will honour those, who have done outstanding work in the field of Education. The Education Minister, Mr. Ram Bilas Sharma will also be present in the function.

The Saksham Programme is an ambitious programme of the State Government, which is being run in schools across the state. It is being monitored directly by the Chief Minister's Office. The objective of the programme is to make the students proficient according to their class. This programme has brought positive changes in the way of teaching and learning throughout the state.

After eight rounds of Saksham, 14 districts of the state have been declared fully Saksham. Six districts are very close to being Saksham. Out of total 119 blocks, 107 are fully Saksham and seven are very close to being declared Saksham. The Chief Minister will honour the education officers of the Saksham Blocks and Districts.

It may be recalled that the programme was started from October 2017. Initially, three classes - 3rd, 5th and 7th were included and students were evaluated only in two subjects. Later, English subject was included in the Saksham Plus. The work on Saksham 2.0 will be started from August. Under this, all classes of from class 3rd to 8th and all main subjects have been included and so that in the era of competition the students do not lag behind in any field.

Project Director, Chief Minister’s Good Governance Associates and Director General, School Education Department, Dr. Rakesh Gupta said that with Saksham Programme, the identity of the state has been established at the national level and recently the teams of Himachal Pradesh and Punjab visited Haryana and took information of the scheme in detail so that they can implement this scheme in their states. The Union Ministry Human Resource Development and the NITI Ayog has also appreciated the Saksham Programme and many states are willing to follow the Saksham Programme.

All the District Education Officers, District Primary Education Officers, District Project Coordinators and Block Education Officers will be participating in this function.