Thursday, June 27, 2019

Chandigarh, June 27- Haryana Chief Minister Mr Manohar Lal today directed the officers to speed the work on all the incomplete developmental works to ensure their timely completion for the convenience of the people of the state.

The Chief Minister was reviewing the ongoing developmental works in Karnal today and gave necessary directions to the officers concerned.

He said that development is the main aim and objective of the present Government both at Centre and State. He urged the legislators present in this meeting that they should maintain direct dialogue with the people to hear and redress their grievances at the earliest to fulfil the hopes and aspiration of the people. There is no dearth of funds in the government treasury and the funds has already been released for ongoing development works, he assured.

Later, while interacting with the mediapersons, Mr Manohar Lal said emergency victim term has now been removed from the identity cards of Satyagrahis who have struggled during the Emergency and now they have been given the name of Loktantra Senanis. He said that the State Government has decided to bear the expenses of medical assistance upto Rs five lakh annually to the Loktantra Senani or their spouse for treatment in government or private hospitals.

Chandigarh, June 27 – In Haryana, the central verge of the Public Works (Building and Roads) Department’s roads will not be covered with tiles, but saplings will be planted and the dividers will be covered with plants.

This decision was taken in a review meeting of officials of the four circles of the Department held under the chairmanship of Public Works (Building and Roads) Minister, Rao Narbir Singh at Gurugram today. He was reviewing the progress of roads and building works being undertaken by the Department in Gurugram, Rewari, Bhiwani and Rohtak Circles. These four circles cover 10 to 12 districts of the state.

It was informed in the meeting that the railway station of Gurugram will be modernized for which a corporation has been constituted. This Corporation will renovate the railway stations of Chandigarh and Gurugram.

He said that during the tenure of the present State Government, 38 flyovers have so far been constructed on different roads of the state and six more flyovers will be ready in near future, which means that 44 flyovers will be ready in this five years tenure of government led by the Chief Minister, Mr. Manohar Lal whereas the previous Congress Government had only constructed 34 flyovers during its tenure of ten years.

While reviewing the work of roads with the officials of the four circles of the Department, the Minister said that in the future, during the Defect Liability Period (DLP), the agency which will not maintain the road made by it, then the road would be maintained through the bank guarantee deposited by the agency. The agency will get only two chances. If the road maintenance is not found proper in two times, then that road construction agency will be blacklisted, he added.