Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Chandigarh, July 16– Haryana Chief Minister, Mr. Manohar Lal said that pilgrimage and tourist places of Kurukshetra will further be developed as tourist destinations. Renovation and beautification will be carried out of Someshwar Tirth of Gumthala Gadhu, Saptasarsvta Tirth of Mangna, Bhurishrava Tirth of Bhorsaidan and Kaleshwar Tirth of Thanesar. Apart from this, the government is spending an amount of Rs. 97.50 crore on the development of Brahmasarovar, Sannihit Sarovar, Gitasthali Jyotisar and Narkatari Tirth and tourist destinations under the Shrikrishna Circuit and all the work is near completion.

The Chief Minister was interacting with media persons after laying the foundation of four projects worth Rs 308.09 lakh during the state-level Paudhgiri program in Kurukshetra, today. Earlier, Chief Minister laid the foundation stones of beautification of Someshwar Tirth of Gumthala Gadhu at the cost of Rs 90.60 lakh, beautification and development of the Bhurishrava Tirth of Bhorsaidan at a cost of Rs. 80 lakh, the Kaleshwar Tirth of Thanesar at a cost of Rs 61.51 lakh and the Saptasarsvta Tirth of Mangna at a cost of Rs 75.98 lakh in the presence of Member of Parliament, Mr. Nayab Singh Saini, MLA Mr. Subhash Sudha and MLA Dr. Pawan Saini.

He said that in order to revive the Kaleshwar Tirth, MLA Mr. Subhash Sudha had put forth a proposal on behalf of Shribrahman and Tirthodghar Sabha for beautification of this Tirth through Kurukshetra Development Board to develop this ancient pilgrimage as a tourist destination. Ghats will be built on this tirth and beautiful stones will also be placed. Similarly, a picture gallery will also be built along with the construction of ghats on the pilgrimage site of Bhorsaidan. He said that ghats will be constructed and beautification will also be done of the ghats of the pilgrimages of villages Mangana and Gumthala Gadhu. MLA Subhash Sudha thanked Chief Minister, Manohar Lal and said that due to the efforts of the State Government, Kurukshetra has gained more popularity as religious tourist destination throughout the world.

On behalf of the Shribrahman and Tirthodghar Sabha, Chief Operator, Jain Narayan Sharma thanked Chief Minister, Mr. Manohar Lal and MLA, Mr. Subhash Sudha for the restoration and beautification of Kaleshwar Tirth.

Later in the Guru Daksh Prajapati Jayanti Samaroh, the Chief Minister said that a grand chowk will be constructed after the name of Guru Daksh Prajapati at Kirmach Mor, Kurukshetra. On this occasion, he announced to give a grant of Rs.22 lakh to the Dharamshala Sabha. The Dharmashala Sabha presented 10-point demand charter and sewerage system will be started in Dharamsala area.

Chandigarh July 16: Haryana Cabinet which met under the Chairmanship of Chief Minister, Mr Manohar Lal here today approved the amendment in the proviso to section 4(4) of the Haryana Municipal Corporation Act,1994 by way of an Ordinance for conducting the elections of newly constituted Municipal Corporations within five years from the date of their constitution.