Saturday, November 30, 2019

Chandigarh, 30 November - Haryana Chief Minister Mr Manohar Lal said that the society should come forward and work together to bring persons and children with disability into the mainstream so that they can also live a normal life.

He said that the Government and institutions are already working together to bring them in mainstream and it is expected that in future also the social institutions, NGOs and industrialists will work together as only then we will be able to reach this milestone.
He said that under CSR scheme, the hostel having the capacity for 32 girls has been constructed at cost of Rs one crore. He has that the Brake Part India Limited has constructed the hostel.

The Chief Minister said that today eight such centres are being run in the entire State and hundreds of children are taking education and skill education in these centres.

He said that the State Government is also continuously working for the education of the youth as well as skill education. He said that 800 courses related to skill education have been prepared at Vishwakarma Skill University, built-in Palwal.

He said that along with studying this course, they are working towards doing their business and jobs.

He also announced a grant of ten lakh rupees for Haryana welfare centre for persons with speech and hearing impairment, Sonipat.

Speaking on the occasion, Vice-President. Dr.(Mrs.) Sharanjeet Kaur, Haryana Welfare Centre for Hearing and Speech Handicapped Committee Panchkula, presented the outline of the work done by the society in the program.

She said that the demand for constructing 32 girls hostel was going on for a long time. Now, these hostels will get the facility from these children.

Brake Parts India Limited, Managing Director, Mr. Anil Bhatia, also spoke on the occasion.