Saturday, December 14, 2019

Chandigarh, December 14 – The Haryana Chief Minister Mr Manohar Lal today said that the Haryana government is working on a plan to prepare details on the basis of family units in the state so that the benefits of government schemes reach directly to the beneficiaries.

The Chief Minister was addressing the closing ceremony of the 7th Indian Institute of Management World Management Conference (7th PAN IIM World Management Conference) organized by the Indian Institute of Management, Rohtak at the Indian Joint Service Institute in New Delhi. Mr Manohar Lal Surprised everyone by having a long conversation in Tamil with the scholars who came from Tamilnadu. He shared many interesting statements related to management and public policy and discussed about how public policy can be made family-friendly and useful.

The Chief Minister said that the world is moving towards management today. He said that to overcome problems and to deal with future challenges, good management is also one of the many methods to meet the needs of the population in a timely manner. He was of the view that good management is beneficial in the interest of people. As a result of efficient management and by taking decisions in public interest and aiming at the objective, Haryana Government has increasingly moved towards 'Zero tolerance for corruption'. “Responsible leadership in this direction has been our primary priority”, emphasized Mr Manohar Lal.

He said that timeliness is an important element of good management towards the achievement of goals. In this direction, efforts have been made to prioritize the element of 'timeliness' in the Haryana Government's methodology for making timely decisions on important and necessary subjects and for timely disposal of essential tasks. He stressed that a 'run-through' system is being created for files referencing important and necessary topics and tasks so as to increase efficiency.

The Chief Minister said that Haryana Government has always followed 'honesty' in public interest. In this direction, Haryana's system of selecting candidates on the basis of merit on government posts by transparent way has become exemplary for other states. As a result of efficient management, the Haryana Government has been able to implement a best transfer policy.

The Chief Minister said that he never believed in his own 'marketing'. In public interest, reality has to be marketed . He emphasized that it is always good to have self-service provider marketed by users in the public and private sector. The Government of Haryana has moved towards decentralization of powers.

In his address, the Chief Minister wished the students a bright future. In his address, the Principal Secretary to the Chief Minister of Haryana, Mr. Rajesh Khullar said that as a result of efficient management, Haryana has moved towards fiscal self-sufficiency.

Mr. Dheeraj Sharma, Director, Indian Institute of Management, Rohtak, gave a brief reference to the 7th Indian Institute of Management World Management Conference in his address while welcoming the Chief Minister, Mr. Manohar Lal. On the occasion, Additional Commissioner and Director Information, Public Relatiosn & Laguages Department, Haryana Mr PC Meena was also present.

Additional Local Commissioner and Director of Information, Public Relations and Languages Department Shri Shri PC Meena was also present on the occasion