Saturday, March 21, 2020

Chandigarh, March 21- Haryana Chief Minister, Mr. Manohar Lal said that we all have to fight together against the Novel Corona Virus by staying at home and maintain social distancing so as to make the Janta Curfew call as given by the Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi on Sunday i.e March 22 a success.

The Chief Minister said this while giving a message to the State people for protection against the Novel Corona virus.

He said that right now the virus is in the second stage, while the third and fourth stage of the virus is very dangerous; therefore we have to fight against this as a challenge and this fight should be fought by maintaining social distancing.

He said that in history also, we have faced many such challenges, which were fought mutually but this time the biggest difference is that this fight is very different and we have to fight this together but by maintaining social distancing and we have to stand individually and without contacting each other.

While appealing to the people of the State, the Chief Minister said that for protection against the Novel Corona virus, we have to stay back at our homes and do our work. Though people associated with the essential services including policemen, chemist, medical staff, health services, traders and media persons will do their work, the necessary arrangements will be made for their safety but the rest of the people have to ensure that they should stay back home and fight against the virus. He said that the Transportation the system will run only as per the requirement.

He said that the Corona Virus stays active for 8-12 hours but if we stay back at our home and do not meet anyone and keep ourselves isolated from each other from 7 Am to 9 Pm on Sunday which is a period of 14 hours, then we can certainly break the chain and this virus chain is broken and our safety the chain will be strengthened.

This chain of the virus is like that enemy, which can only be carried by us to our homes, therefore no contact of any person should be made and we have to work with the slogan of ‘Hum sawasth to jag sawasth’. We also have to ensure the compliance of all the directions and guidelines which are being given from time to time by the Center and State Government. We have to ensure that we follow the guidelines in letter and spirit.

He said that if any person has any suggestion, a helpline number 855 889 39 11 at the State Level has been started so that we can use this helpline to report and resolve any case. Similarly a helpline number- 108 has also been started at the district level.

He said that sirens will be blown in cities in the evening at 5.00 pm and arrangements will be made in the villages as well and everyone should express their gratitude to the people engaged in essential service by beating their thali, and clapping.

He said, "I assure you that there will be no shortage of any essential commodities and all the arrangements have been made for this. Therefore people should not fear or indulge in the stocking of any items.

He again appealed to the people to jointly work towards making the Janta curfew a success.