Monday, August 30, 2021

Chandigarh, August 30: In these 2500 days, while initiating various Information and Technology reforms so as to ensure paperless, faceless and transparent governance, the present State Government not only changed the course of development through corruptionless governance but also launched various public schemes and programmes that reached the last man first.

This was stated by Haryana Chief Minister, Sh. Manohar Lal while addressing a press conference held here today on the successful completion of 2500 days of government’s tenure.

“Tightening the noose around corruption and providing jobs only on merit basis can be termed as our two biggest achievements, said Sh. Manohar Lal.

The Chief Minister said that the 2500 days the present State Government’s tenure is a  ‘progressive report card’  which highlights that of how  big changes have been brought in the governance system  which has not only  completely eradicated corruption, the exploitation of poor, non-meritorious selection but has also increased the trust and belief of common man in their government by manifolds.

Taking a jibe at the Congress, Sh. Manohar Lal said that on October 26, 2014, when BJP had come to power age-old corruption, exploitation of the poor, dynastic politics had pushed Haryana into a vulnerable situation wherein the government property was being looted leaving the people of the state at the receiving end.

“It was then when we decided to write a new chapter of development in Haryana along with ensuring that the benefits of all the schemes reached to those who are at the bottom of the pyramid” said the Chief Minister.

He said that the first thing he did after becoming the Chief Minister was to end long queues that used to line up outside houses and offices of Chief Minister, Ministers and Bureaucracy.  We ensured that people should not run from pillar to post to get their work done. Radical reforms were brought to replace Right to Corruption with the Right to Service.

“We always advise opposition to play a positive role, but since they do not have any logical and fundamental issues to raise so they do nothing more than creating doubts in the minds of the people by spreading rumours.  I would like to warn them that their future is in dark, people are going to choose us for the next five years too as gone are the days when people used to live in hallucinations,” said Sh. Manohar Lal.

Those agitating and taking law and order in their hands are not farmers, Haryana Farmers are happily working in their fields, Chief Minister

Responding to a media query regarding the Karnal incident, Sh. Manohar Lal said that those agitating and taking law and order in their hands are not farmers, they are politically motivated people.  Haryana Farmers are happily working in their fields, those are Punjab  farmers who are actually sitting at Tikri and Singhu borders.

While launching a scathing attack on Congress and Communist party leaders for misleading innocent farmers and provoking them to create chaos in Karnal too, Sh. Manohar Lal, through such agitations, if these leaders think that they can achieve their vested interests, and then they are highly mistaken.

“A positive dialogue was held between these protestors and district administration wherein they had given written consent that they would only protest in a symbolic manner and will not violate the law and order situation. However, it is really unfortunate to see that how at the behest of some politically motivated leaders, they had broken their promise. These protesting farmers and their provokers should understand that Government is still ready to hear them as if we had anything against them then the basic amenities they have been provided by the Governmnet at the protesting sites would not have been given to them, “said the Chief Minister.

While giving a stern warning to these leaders for instigating violence in Karnal, the Chief Minister said that in a democracy everyone has right to expression of speech. However, if anyone takes law and orders in their hands, then certainly the Police have a role to play.

Responding to another question regarding the audio and video of an officer which went viral during the Karnal incident, the Chief Minister said that the investigation for the same is going on by the Director General of Police.  Though he further clarified that the viral audio and video is of a different venue and the incident that occurred between the protestors and the Police happened at a different place. Therefore both the incidents should not made to be connected, he added.

Urging the farmers to put forward their demands through positive dialogue, the Chief Minister said that farmers should uphold their trust in the traditions of the country and said that only positive dialogue can resolve any issue, remaining adamant on anything is not going to yield any positive result.

“It has now been two years since the Centres had introduced the three farm laws, but the Mandi system and procurement of crops on MSP had continued, which is contradictory to the claims made by the Opposition to mislead the people,” said   Sh. Manohar Lal.

28 arrests have been made in the case of paper leak

While disclosing the connection of the constable recruitment paper leak case, the Chief Minister said that around 28 people have been arrested so far. In just a short span of time, the State Police has unraveled the case and soon more arrests would be made. He said that the government has also enacted a law to stop cheating. 

“We have complete trust in our state investigation agency. Our police have reached the roots of this case. Any case is transferred to CBI only when and State investigating agency reaches a dead-end or fails to do the required investigation,” said Sh. Manohar Lal while responding to a question regarding transferring of paper leak case to CBI.

Congress left a debt of Rs. 97,000 crore

Responding to a question regarding Opposition’s allegations regarding State Government’s debt liability, Sh. Manohar Lal again took a dig at Congress is having poor knowledge about debt figures and therefore they always preach lies. He said that when Congress had left, State Government had a debt liability of Rs 97,000 crore.

While counting debt during Congress tenure, Sh. Manohar Lal said, Congress always says that when their tenure ended, then the debt liability of State Government was Rs. 70,000 crore. When BJP came to power in the year 2014-15, under the Ujjwal Discom Assurance Yojana (UDAY) scheme, debt amount of Rs. 27000 crore taken by Power Discoms was included in the government's debt so that the Power Discoms were not overburdened. Due to this, the total debt of the government increased.

He said that if the loan amount of Rs. 27000 crore taken by Power Discoms is added to this then the total debt comes to Rs 97,000 crore. In this way, the Opposition actually gives wrong figures by not including Power Discoms debts in the entire debt left by them.

"Haryana is certainly in a better financial position than Punjab as financial crises of Punjab is worse. Even their own Minister has accepted that they should adopt the strategies in line with Haryana so as to get over their financial situation," said Sh. Manohar Lal.  

We don't only make announcements for the sake of making political noise rather, we revolutionize the system

The Chief Minister said that the present State Government didn’t only made announcements for the sake of making political noise rather, they revolutionized the system. Digital reforms were brought to bring transparency in each government wing.

Biometric attendance was introduced. All the services of all the departments were made online on the Saral portal. As many as 547 schemes and services of 42 departments are given through Saral and Antyodaya portal.  Till date around 8.75 lakh applications received on CM window, of which 8.5 lakh are resolved.

“With the objection of serving the last person first and ensuring only eligible beneficiaries get the benefits, an ambitious Parivar Pehchan Patra scheme has been launched under which till date about 63 families have registered,” said the Chief Minister.

Not only this, we are proud to say that under Mhara Goan Jagmag Gaon out of 6700 villages 5550 villages are getting 24*7 power supply which is not even any neighbouring states like Punjab, Rajasthan, added the Chie Minister.

In what authority Punjab Chief Minister is asking my Resignation

Responding to a question asked about Chief Minister’s reaction on Punjab Chief Minister, Captain Amarinder Singh’s statement on apologizing to farmers, Sh. Manohar Lal said, “In what authority he is asking me to resign or apologize? Who is he to ask me to apologize or resign? Rather, he should resign for instigating farmers.  About 85 percent of those sitting on Delhi’s borders are from Punjab.”

1200 colonies to be regularized

Responding to a question, regarding the regularization of illegal colonies, the Chief Minister informed that for regularizing unauthorized colonies of Urban Local Bodies a Bill has been passed and after this, around 1200 colonies have registered themselves and those who fulfill the criteria would be regularized.

Chief Minister gives Rs 32 lakh to Chandigarh Press Club

On this occasion, the Chief Minister also announced to give an amount of Rs. 32 lakh for Chandigarh Press Club.

President, Chandigarh Press Club, Sh. Nalin Acharya and Secretary-General, Chandigarh Press Club, Sh. Rajinder S. Nagarkoti along with other members of Governing Council thanked the Chief Minister and presented memento and caricature to the Chief Minister as a token of gratitude. On this occasion, Chief Minister released a coffee table book highlighting the achievements of the State Government in 2500 days.

Additional Principal Secretary to Chief Minister and Director General, Information, Public Relations and Languages Department, Dr. Amit Agrawal and Principal Media Advisor to Chief Minister, Sh. Vinod Mehta also remained present on this occasion.