Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Chandigarh, September 28- Haryana Government has decided to include the produce of Bajra from this Kharif season in the 'Bhavantar Bharpayee Yojana' in the interest of the farmers of the State. Haryana is the first State in the country to implement this scheme. Earlier, 'Bhavantar Bharpayee Yojana' has also been implemented for horticulture crops in Haryana. 21 horticultural crops have been included in this scheme. The Chief Minister, Sh. Manohar Lal informed that the following decisions have been taken regarding the purchase of Bajra:-

1.     Considering the difference in price of the Average Market Price and MSP of Bajra as Bhavantar price, post the verification of the crops of registered farmers on the 'Meri Fasal-Mera Byora' portal, if the given details are found correct then farmers will be given Rs. 600 per quintal on the average yield.

2.     The minimum support price for Bajra has been fixed at Rs. 2,250 per quintal, while the neighboring States of Rajasthan and Punjab have given no MSP of Bajra this time as well. It seems that this time also the procurement of Bajra will not be done by them.

3.     In such a situation, there is a possibility of Bajra (Millet) coming from these States to be sold in Haryana. Therefore, it has been decided to compensate only those farmers of Haryana State who have registered on 'Meri Fasal-Mera Byora' portal for buying millet. To maintain the yield price, the Government agency will buy 25 percent of the produce.

4.     In Kharif-season 2021, 2.71 Lakh farmers have registered on Meri Fasal-Mera Byora portal for millet. Out of this, about 8.65 lakh acres of land has been verified. As soon as the procurement starts, Rs. 600 per quintal will be paid according to the average yield through DBT in the accounts of the farmers. This payment will be made only to the verified farmers registered on the 'Meri Fasal-Mera Byora' portal.

5.     In this season, the Government will purchase five crops at the minimum support price.

6.     In Kharif crops, in addition to millet, the purchase of moong, maize and paddy will start from October 1, 2021 and the purchase of groundnut will start from November, 2021.

7.     Apart from this, the State Government is also going to procure Toor, Urad And Sesame for the first time which will start from December 1, 2021.

8.     Farmers are being encouraged to grow crops like Oilseeds and Pulses like Moong, Tur, Castor, Groundnut in place of Millet. A grant of Rs. 4,000 per acre will be given to the farmers who sow alternative crops in place of Bajra and reduce the total production of Bajra.

9.     86 procurement centres have been set up for the purchase of Bajra, 38 for Moong, 19 for Maize and 7 for Groundnut purchase in the State. 199 procurement centres have also been set up for the purchase of paddy.

10.    In addition, 72 additional procurement sites have also been identified. If there will be huge arrivals at the procurement centres, then these sites will be used for the purchase of paddy.