Thursday, June 2, 2022

Chandigarh, June 2– Haryana Chief Minister, Sh. Manohar Lal said that under the Mukhyamantri Antyodaya Parivar Utthan Yojana, the third phase of Antyodaya Melas would be organized from June 10 with the objective of increasing the income of the poorest families in the state.

The Chief Minister shared this information while interacting with the media after reviewing the major schemes of the State Government with the Deputy Commissioners here today. He said that in today's meeting, feedback was taken from the Deputy Commissioners on 12 schemes that are already running, while discussion on new schemes was also held.

Sh. Manohar Lal said that under the Mukhyamantri Antyodaya Parivar Utthan Yojana, a target has been set to increase the income of 1 lakh very poor families of the state and loans have been provided to around 50,000 families who have participated in the Antyodaya Melas organized in the first two phases.

“A special team has been constituted to guide the families who have received these loan amounts to make the right use of the given loan so as to increase their income,” said Sh. Manohar Lal.

The process of getting an Armed License to start from July 1

Sh. Manohar Lal said that State Government has formulated an Armed License Policy for making an online request to get an arms license. Till now, no such Policy was there in the state. The only registration for the same would start from July 1. in this way, complete transparency will be adopted in the process of issuing licenses, he added.

e-Fasal Kshatipoorti portal launched for the convenience of farmers

The Chief Minister said that taking a unique initiative for the convenience of the farmers, the e-Fasal Kshatipoorti portal has been launched by the State Government. Farmers will now be able to individually enter crop loss information on this portal so that they do not face any kind of delay or trouble in getting compensation.

He informed that once any farmer updates the information about his crop loss, then the concerned Patwari, Kanungo and Tehsildars at their own levels will do the analysis of the crop damage. Thereafter Deputy Commissioner will cross-check both the data and if he finds any mismatch, then the data will also be matched with the drone image. In this way the farmers will get full compensation for their loss, said Sh. Manohar Lal.

Renovation of ponds will be done under Amrit Sarovar Yojana

The Chief Minister said that Prime Minister Sh. Narendra Modi has launched Amrit Sarovar Yojana across the country, under which 75 Amrit Sarovar are to be built in every district. Work is being done expeditiously in this direction in the state. By July 15, the work of excavation of the ponds will be almost completed and work will be done at a fast pace in the upcoming phases as well.