Monday, June 20, 2022

Chandigarh, June 20 - Haryana Chief Minister, Sh. Manohar Lal has directed the Sri Vishwakarma Skill University to open extension centres in other districts of the state. Employment oriented courses will be run in the centres on the lines of the university to enhance the skills of the youth.

The Chief Minister was reviewing the progress of the country's first Shri Vishwakarma Skill University, set up in Haryana, at the Public Works Rest House in Gurugram on Monday.

Apart from Vice Chancellor, Shri Vishwakarma Skill University, Sh. Raj Nehru and his staff, Divisional Commissioner, Gurugram, Sh. Rajiv Ranjan were also present during the review meeting.

The Chief Minister said that in today's modern era is an era of skill. Now the earlier 3R education is no longer important. He said that after senior secondary level, emphasis has to be laid on making the students skilled in higher education. For this, the University should open its extension centers to run the courses in other districts. Apart from Gurugram and Palwal districts, there is a need to improve the skills of youth in other districts of the state. After identifying the vacant government buildings in those districts, centres can be run there. Not only this, he said to link engineering colleges located in those districts also with this university and give them affiliation.

The Chief Minister stressed on conducting courses to impart essential skills in everyday life like electrician, plumber, refrigerator, washing machine, AC etc. He said that by doing these short term courses, youth can earn their livelihood well and can increase the income of the family. With this, the Chief Minister directed the University administration to prepare and track the data of the students and said that not only data of the successful students should be kept but a track of all those young men and women must be maintained who have not been able to find employment.  He said that the records of the Parivar Pehchan Patra of all these students should also be kept.

Sh. Manohar Lal said that Antyodaya Melas are being organized in the state under Mukhyamantri Antyodaya Parivar Utthan Yojna with a view to increasing the income of families earning less than Rs.1.80 lakh per annum. In these melas, representatives from Kaushal University should be present to inform the beneficiaries that various employment oriented courses are being run by the University, out of which they can choose the course of their interest and become eligible to get a job or start self-employment. He asked the University Administration to conduct skill upgradation courses for the youth as per the demand in the market and also get continuous publicity done regarding them.

In the meeting, the Vice Chancellor, Sh. Raj Nehru informed that a sports complex of Olympic standard is being built in the university campus, which will be residential. It will have facilities like stadium, gymnasium, swimming pool etc. Apart from this, auditorium and convention center are being constructed which will have a seating capacity of about 1,500 persons. He said that in the year 2022-23 as many as 983 students have been enrolled in 34 courses in the university, which include diploma, degree and postgraduate courses.

Earlier, the Chief Minister also released Kathasatisagar, a book on folk literature of Jammu and Kashmir written by Vice Chancellor, Sh. Raj Nehru and Dr. CK Gariali.