Sunday, June 26, 2022

Chandigarh, June 26 - A historic initiative was taken on Sunday to free Haryana from the menace of drug addiction.  Chief Minister, Sh. Manohar Lal, on the occasion of International Day against Drug Abuse and Illegal Trafficking on June 26, released a booklet by making public the action plan of the drug-free campaign in a programme organized by the Haryana State Narcotics Control Bureau at the Harsh Vardhan Auditorium, Madhuban Police Academy, Karnal.  With this, Haryana has become the first state in the country to launch such an action plan.

The programme was inaugurated by the Chief Minister by lighting the lamp. In his address, the Chief Minister said that along with development like roads and infrastructure, development of the society and the people living in it is also necessary. He said that drug addiction is a broad term in itself and it has many meanings.  The intoxication of power, the intoxication of good deeds, the intoxication of wealth and an intoxication of devotion to God.  Using drugs is the worst addiction.  This disturbs the balance of the person and his development stops. It hollows out the individual as well as the family. The problem of drug addiction is not limited to its use but it extends to national and international boundaries. Stopping it though is a challenge, but with efforts everything becomes possible.

The Chief Minister said that now the government, NGOs and all the people of the society will fight together against drugs.  For this, Haryana State Narcotics Control Bureau has prepared a State Action Plan with the cooperation and public participation of all the departments to root out drug and drug trade from the society and to implement a concerted and collective effort.  He said that this initiative of the Bureau would prove to be unique for the health promotion and rehabilitation of youth who are indulging in drugs.  The plan includes identification and rehabilitation of drug addicts by giving them proper counseling and medical treatment.

He said that 1,100 sports nurseries are being set up in the state to keep the youth away from drugs and to connect them with creative work, especially sports.  By promoting sports, Haryana is going to become a sports hub in the country.  Along with the economic point of view, Haryana is also moving towards becoming self-supporting in sports.  He informed that there is a plan to set up a park/vyayamshala in two acres from village to village, in which 1,000 coaches and yoga teachers will be recruited and this scheme will be implemented in 6,000 villages of the state.  Along with sports, education is also being emphasized in the state and youth are motivated to join the library.

The Chief Minister said that in order to make the state drug-free, under the said action plan, Dhakad programme has been started in schools, colleges and universities.  He said the meaning of Dhakad is a person with courage.  Speaking about the Dhakad programme, he said that a group of five children of a class will be formed, who will identify the sluggish, lonely and stealthy drug addicts and would inform the class teacher i.e. Senior Dhakad.  Senior Dhakad after receiving the information will report to the concerned Principal/Head Master who will be called Nodal Dhakad.  He said that for the implementation and supervision of this programme, mission teams at the state, district, sub-division, cluster and village/ward levels will work for counseling, treatment and rehabilitation of drug addicts.  6,538 teams at village level, 1,710 teams of ward mission, 532 cluster teams, 72 sub division teams, 22 district level teams and 25,000 chemists teams will work under the action plan.  On this occasion, the Chief Minister administered oath to the police officers and employees present in the auditorium not to indulge in drugs themselves and to inspire others to stay away from drugs.  In the programme, after the Chief Minister pressed the remote button, a song against drugs composed by singer Subhash Fauji, resident of Hansi, was played.

In the programme, Haryana Health and Home Minister, Sh. Anil Vij addressed the gathering through virtual platform.  He said that the fight against drug addiction will not be limited to just celebrating a special day but will have to be done every day.  Referring to the action plan, he said that all government departments, all parts of the society will jointly run a mass movement against drugs.  He who is intoxicated will be cured.  For this, along with running a drug-free centre, awareness programmes will also be conducted.  He warned that those who indulge in drug trade will also be dealt with strictly.  Appreciating the Haryana State Narcotics Control Bureau, he said that the action plan prepared by it is impenetrable. As many as 10 districts of the state are badly in the grip of drugs.  They all have to work together to end drug addiction.  For this, all the resources and strength will be used.  He said that girls are getting more marks in competitive examinations than boys.  To bring boys at par with them, maximum attendance will be ensured in their schools.  This work will be done by the Ward Committees of the Action Plan.  He said that he wants to make Haryana drug-free and see it as a happy state.

The message of Haryana Governor, Sh. Bandaru Dattatraya was also broadcast in the programme.  In this, the Governor said that Haryana is progressing rapidly in every field of development, but youth are also getting involved in drugs. They have to stop this and work for their bright future.  For this the action plan will prove to be a mission.  He exhorted the youth to stay away from drugs.

Haryana Mission Team President of Action Plan and Haryana Chief Secretary, Sh. Sanjeev Kaushal while speaking on the occasion said that about 18 departments like Health, Medical Education, Home, Excise and Taxation and Social Justice and Empowerment are associated with the plan.  The plan will do its job to make the state drug-free, but for that the family of the addict will also have to fulfill their obligation to get rid of the drug menace.  He said that two apps named Prayas and Saathi have been developed in the plan, which will work to curb banned drugs and the subject of training has also been added.  Along with drug-free centres, NGOs will also play a special role to make the state drug free.

Director General of Police, Sh. PK Agarwal welcomed the Chief Minister on behalf of Haryana Police.  He said that according to a survey of Haryana State Narcotics Control Bureau, 272 districts of the country and 10 districts of Haryana have been reported to be affected by drugs, which includes Karnal.  To stop this menace, everyone needs to come together on one platform.  He expressed hope that with this effort of the bureau, the state will be able to become drug free.

Haryana State Narcotics Control Bureau Chairman and ADGP, Sh. Shrikant Jadhav while speaking said that evil does not end with only enforcement.  Therefore, the action plan of the Bureau has focused more on rehabilitation of drug addicts.  For this, committees formed at village, cluster, sub-division and district level will work.  The Deputy Commissioner, Superintendent of Police, SDM, CMO and DSWO will do the work of monitoring.  There is a state level committee above them, the Chief Secretary is there for its monitoring. Maximum attention will be given to the youth.

In the programme, souvenirs were presented to the Chief Minister, MP, MLA, Chief Secretary and Director General of Police.

A video message of Durga Jasraj, daughter of renowned classical singer Late Pandit Jasraj, was also broadcast in the programme.  In which she appreciated the State Action Plan against drug addiction and called upon all to unite and win the fight against drugs.

Karnal MP, Sh. Sanjay Bhatia, Gharaunda MLA, Sh. Harvinder Kalyan, Deputy Commissioner, Sh. Anish Yadav, Superintendent of Police, Sh. Gangaram Punia, District Nodal Officer of Drug Free Campaign and Assandh SDM, Sh. Mandeep Kumar and Member Secretary, Sh. Satyawan Dhillod were also present in the programme.