Monday, August 8, 2022

Chandigarh, August 8 – Haryana Chief Minister, Sh. Manohar Lal said that e-Vidhan Sabha will prove to be a milestone in the history of the state.  On the call of Prime Minister, Sh. Narendra Modi's Digital India, Haryana Government is using digital technology in every field.  He said that in 2020, Haryana has also received the President's Award in the digital sector.  Apart from this, 100 out of 150 awards received from the central government have been received in the digital sector, it is a matter of pride for the state.  The Chief Minister was speaking at the inauguration of the first session of the Digital Haryana Vidhan Sabha on Monday.

During this, the Chief Minister duly inaugurated the National e-Vidhan Application (NEVA) on the tablet for the first time.  Addressing the House during the inaugural session, the Chief Minister said that through this application, the members of the Vidhan Sabha can keep track of Q&A, Calling Attention Motion, Starred and Unstarred Questions, Audio and Video of the Vidhan Sabha.  The Chief Minister said that MLAs can use this application not only on mobile but also on computer.  The Chief Minister congratulated Haryana Vidhan Sabha Speaker, Sh. Gian Chand Gupta and all the officers and employees of the Vidhan Sabha for starting the NEVA application.

MLAs should be careful - Chief Minister

The Chief Minister, Sh. Manohar Lal said that the NEVA application has been made only for the MLAs. All MLAs are being given the same password first, but later everyone must make their own secret password and use it with caution.

Along with the works of the Vidhan Sabha, information about the development of the area will also be updated

Sh.  Manohar Lal said that this NEVA application has been linked with the works of the Vidhan Sabha, but in future information related to the areas of MLAs will also be updated inside it.  With this MLAs will be able to know how much development work has been done in their area.  How much fund has been spent by the government in their area.  The general public will also be able to get this information easily through the MLAs.

E-Vidhan Sabha will have far reaching consequences - Vidhan Sabha Speaker

Vidhan Sabha Speaker, Sh. Gian Chand Gupta said that a new revolution has started with the formation of Haryana e-Vidhan Sabha.  It will have far-reaching consequences.  The dream of hi-tech e-Vidhan Sabha has been fulfilled today.  Haryana has taken up the task of digitizing the Vidhan Sabha on priority basis.

21 states across the country had signed MoUs to digitize their Vidhan Sabha.  Haryana has accomplished this by working fast in this area.  Sh. Gian Chand Gupta said that it is a matter of pride for us that Haryana Vidhan Sabha is the third in the country to go digital.  Now all the work of Vidhan Sabha will be done through e-Vidhan Sabha.  Sh. Gupta said that they received a budget of Rs. 12 crore to complete the work of e-Vidhan Sabha, but with the fruitful efforts of the committee, this work has been completed in Rs. 8.53 crore.  The remaining Rs. 3.5 crore budget will be spent on digitizing the records of 50 years of Haryana Vidhan Sabha.  He said that paperless Vidhan Sabha will help in saving Rs. 5.50 crore annually, which would also be beneficial for the environment.

On this occasion Deputy Chief Minister, Sh. Dushyant Chautala, Leader of Opposition, Sh. Bhupinder Singh Hooda, Deputy Speaker, Sh. Ranbir Gangwa, Parliamentary Affairs Minister, Sh. Kanwar Pal also expressed their gratitude for the Vidhan Sabha going digital.