Monday, December 19, 2022

Chandigarh, December 19: Under the Sant-Mahapurush Vichar Samman and Prasar Yojana a state-level programme will be organised for the first time on Maharaja Shurasen Jayanti in Hisar on December 20 where Chief Minister, Sh. Manohar Lal will be the chief guest.

The Chief Minister said that the life and ideals of Maharaja Shurasen should be adopted by all, especially the young generation. “The mutual love and harmony in the society has been the priority of Maharaja Shurasen. Every citizen should implement this thinking and help the needy and poor persons; only then our society, state and country will progress,” he said. 

Sh. Manohar Lal said that the history of the Saini community is as glorious and great as it is ancient. The contribution of the Saini community in the freedom movement and in the reconstruction of the country after independence has been commendable. The people of the Saini community are considered experts in agriculture, especially flowers and vegetables, he added.

The Saini community members thanked the Chief Minister for organising a state-level programme on the occasion. They said that the present state government is the first such government to celebrate the anniversaries and important days of great men. According to mythology and beliefs, Maharaja Shurasen was born during the Mahabharata period. The present Mathura city was ruled by him, which was one of the 16 Janapadas of ancient India. 

Under the ‘Sant-Mahapurush Vichar Samman and Prasar Yojana’, several state-level programmes have been organised  by the state government which have found favour of people in all walks of life.  It has also worked as an initiative to inspire the youth on the teachings of the great men and take them forward in a positive direction.