Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Chandigarh, January 17– Haryana Chief Minister said that the decentralization of powers of the members of Panchyati Raj Institutions (PRI) has been done to give impetus to the development works in the rural areas. Now the newly elected members do not have to wait to get the approvals, as they can utilize the money for any developmental works from their own funds, said Sh. Manohar Lal.

Furthermore, now the budget of PRIs is fixed and at the beginning of the year only it will be decided in which quarter, how much funds are to be allocated, said the Chief Minister.

He informed that Sarpanchh, Panchayat Samiti, and Zila Parishad will automatically give administrative approval after passing the resolution, and the state government will not have any interference.

The Chief Minister gave this information while interacting with the media after attending the Bharatiya Janata Party's National Executive meeting held in New Delhi today.

Sh. Manohar Lal said that the State Government has already released an amount of Rs.1100 crore to the PRIs for executing the desired development works in the villages. 

He further informed that during the meeting, information regarding the system change and public welfare schemes implemented in Haryana in the last 8 years were also shared. Responding to another question, he said that Union Home Minister, Sh. Amit Shah's rally will be organized in Haryana. While other Union Ministers will also address rallies in Haryana.

Haryana geared up to successfully organize G-20 meetings

Sh. Manohar Lal said that the detailed discussions were also held regarding G-20 meetings under the leadership of Prime Minister, Sh. Narendra Modi. It is a matter of pride for every Indian that India has got the presidency of G-20. About 200 meetings will be organized in different states this year. In this series, some G-20 meetings will also be organized in Gurugram, for which the state government has made all required preparations, informed the Chief Minister.

Automated ration cards are being made of all these having an annual income less than Rs 1.80 lakh

Responding to a question, Sh. Manohar Lal said that the process of making automated ration cards for BPL families through Parivar Pehchan Patra is going on.

Ration cards have been made automatically for those whose annual income is less than Rs 1.80 lakh. This digital step has not only given a big relief to all such families but has also saved them from making several rounds to the offices, informed the Chief Minister.

He said that complaints were received from time to time that many people who have risen above the BPL slab are still availing of ration benefits, while the actual ones are still waiting to get these benefits.

Divulging information about the meeting held today in Delhi, the Chief Minister informed that during the meeting, the strategy for upcoming elections and how India can become a world leader were discussed in detail. 

"Our target is to win all the 10 Lok Sabha seats in Haryana. Our government has always focused on the upliftment of Antyodaya. Through PPP, we will continue to extend the reach of public welfare scheme benefits to the last-mile citizen," said Sh. Manohar Lal.

On this occasion, Media Advisor to Chief Minister, Sh. Amit Arya also remained present.