Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Chandigarh, April 4: Chief Minister, Sh. Manohar Lal's ‘Sarkar Aapke Dwar’ programme, being run through Jan Samvad programme; which is now moving towards villages, is not only realizing Mahatma Gandhi's vision of Gram Swaraj, but also the concept of panch-parmeshwar in true sense.

The Chief Minister’s through the Jan Samvad programmes in 12 big villages of Bhiwani, namely Kharak Kalan, Kalinga, Chang, Tigrana, Dhanana, Baliali, Bapora, Dinod, Tosham, Dulheri, Sandwa and Kairu, listened to the problems of the people while sitting on charpoys (cots) and muddha (stool); which garnered appreciation from the locals.

Bhiwani district, which has been the pivot of the state's politics, was selected by the Chief Minister for the Jan Samvad programme at a time when the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) is celebrating its foundation day on April 6; when the party flag will be hoisted on 5 lakh houses across the state.

During the Jan Samvad programme, the women sarpanches also come across the importance of an elected public representative in a democracy, as the Chief Minister sat with them and listened to the problems of the people, besides taking information about the development plans of the villages.

Jan Samvad programme takes forward Swachh Bharat Mission

The Chief Minister announced during the Jan Samvad programme that under the Swachhata Abhiyan, cleanliness drive will be carried out in 135 Mahagrams through tractor-trolleys; which on one hand, will provide employment to about 800 youths and on the other hand, the Swachh Bharat-Swachh Haryana campaign will also gain momentum. 

Notably, on the initiative of the Chief Minister, schemes for laying sewerage and for solid waste management have been started in the villages with a population of more than 10,000, which will prove to be a milestone in the rural development. Meanwhile, Bhiwani’s Dulheri village has emerged as a role model for Swachhata Abhiyan across the country, where the Chief Minister has announced cleanliness campaign in 135 Mahagrams.

Sectors will be developed in villages on the lines of cities

Giving a new gift to the people during the Jan Samvad programmes, the Chief Minister announced that on the lines of cities, sectors will now be developed in villages as well. For this, if the Gram Panchayat passes a resolution and gives consent for the sector on the Panchayati land; then the government will act promptly on it and in case of non-availability of panchayat land, the land will be purchased through the e-Bhoomi portal.

The Chief Minister started the Jan Samvad programme from Rohtak district last year. After that, the programmes were organized in Sirsa, Sonipat, Karnal, Kurukshetra and Fatehabad districts, where a large number of people shared their grievances with the Chief Minister. On this, the Chief Minister had given instructions to the concerned officials on the spot to resolve most of the problems.

Even in several cases, the Chief Minister suspended the employees who were negligent in discharging their duties. The Chief Minister has taken the initiative to have a direct conversation with the people of the village who could not reach the district headquarters in the Jan Samvad programmes due to some reason.