Sunday, February 4, 2018
  • Chandigarh, February 4– The Haryana Chief Minister, Mr Manohar Lal, today announced that interest-free loan of Rs 25,000 would be provided to small artisans under Saint Guru Ravidas Sahayata Yojana, and hostels would be opened in the name of Baba Saheb Dr Bhim Rao Ambedakar in 11 districts of the state.
  • He made this announcement while addressing the state-level Samrasta Diwas Samaroh organised on the occasion of Guru Ravidas Jayanti in Bhiwani, today.
  • Antyodaya Karyalayas would be set up at tehsil level to give information about the welfare schemes for the Scheduled Caste and Backward Classes. The benefit of these schemes could be taken by applying online.
  • The Chief Minister said information about and benefit of the 300-odd schemes of the Central and state government did not reach eligible beneficiaries. Therefore, in order to provide complete information about these schemes under one roof, and adhere to the principle of Antyodaya given by Pt. Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Ji to uplift every section of society, Antyodaya Karyalayas would be set up.
  • Referring to the old and deprived artisan he had met during his visit to Shahabad, the Chief Minister said he had decided to initiate the scheme to benefit such people. Saint Ravidas Sahayata Yojana would be implemented throughout the state.  
  • In order to clear the backlog of 200 posts reserved for Scheduled Castes and Backward Classes, the government has invited applications. Now, steps have been initated to clear the backlog of vacancies of previous years.
  • Regarding reservation in promotions, Mr Manohar Lal said the committee constituted for this purpose had submitted its report to the Chief Secretary. After thoroughly examining its contents, it would be submitted to the court for decision.
  • He said according to a survey recently conducted by the state government, over 3.5 lakh families did not have own house. We have a vision to provide housing facility to all by 2022. People would be given the benefit of free tour to Kashi, the birthplace of Shri Ravidas Ji, he added.
  • Education Minister Mr. Ram Bilas Sharma, Transport Minister, Mr. Krishan Lal Panwar, Minister of State for Social Justice and Empowerment, Mr. Krishan Kumar Bedi and Minister of State for Public Health Engineering, Dr. Banwari Lal are also spoke on the occasion.
  • Chandigarh February 4— “Gita, the holy book of knowledge and wisdom, says ‘jaisa karm karo gey, waisa he phal paogey’ (as you sow so shall you reap).” This is how the Chief Minister, Mr Manohar Lal, responded to a query of media persons in Bhiwani and Rohtak today regarding filing of the charge-sheet by the CBI against Mr Bhupinder Singh Hooda, former Chief Minister.
  • He said that CBI had registered a case and filed charge-sheet only on the basis of soild evidence. Earlier, the accused were ready to undergo any kind of investigation but now that the CBI has moved into the matter, they are crying vendetta. Those who have done wrong would certainly get punished. According to our Constitution, be it small or big, all are equal before the law.   
  • In reply to a question on the Sutlej-Yamuna Link (SYL) Canal, he said the previous governments did not do anything on this issue in the last  12 years. We requested the Supreme Court to list the matter for hearing at the earliest and the verdict came out in favour of Haryana. We are hopeful that the Central Government would soon initiate construction of the SYL in Punjab.
  • In reply to the allegations made by opposition parties reagrding Saraswati and Gita, he said be it Saraswati or Gita, they never realized their importance. “Values, Saraswati and history are of great importance in the building of society but they never thought in this direction. We are doing lot many things which are required for bringing social changes,” he added.
  • In reply to question regarding formation of the third morcha, he said such morchas were generally formed in politics. “At present, BJP has formed government in 19 states of the country. And, we will soon have majority in the Rajya Sabha. The country reposed their faith in policies and programmes of the BJP,” he added.
  • While addressing the people in Rahgiri programme organised in Rohtak, the Chief Minister said that Rahigiri programme is not only stress buster for the people but it also provides better platform to youth and artists to exhibit their skills.
  • He said that participants have to spend money to participate in such programmes. Thus, he announced to give grant of Rs five lakh to the district which would regularly organize such programmes. A cultural programme was organized on this occasion. The chief minister went round the exhibition.