Monday, July 30, 2018
  • Chandigarh, July 30—The Haryana Chief Minister,  Mr Manohar Lal, has said that providing good governance is our foremost priority, and we are dermined to tread this path.  
  • He was addressing the third batch of the Chief Minister’s Good Governance Associates (CMGGA) for 2018-19. The CMGGAs shared their experiences during the training and thanked the Chief Minister for providing them an opportunity to work.
  • Describing CMGGA as a unique model, the Chief Minister said other states were also studying this model. Innovative experiments have been made to serve the people of the state and to overcome their sufferings, which has been and remains the state’s main priority. It is serve this objective that the associates have been appointed at the district level.
  • “Besides, we are working to improve governance. Through CMGGA, we have tried to raise the energy level of the system to provide better facilities to the public. We are happy to know that today CMGGA is being appreciated at the level of public, government and the administration”, he added.
  • The Chief Minister said in order to instill in people a sense of responsibility which is the need of the hour, the CMGGA needed to work better. Giving an example, he said on the appeal of the Prime Minister, Mr Narendra Modi, crores of people left their gas subsidy.
  • Similar sense of responsibility is required to be brought in the minds of the people so that they should develop a sense of belongingness with the state, and the country. The people should think on the lines that if the country is giving them everything, they too should give the country something in return.
  • The Chief Minister said CMGGA have played an important role in implementing  Antyodaya-SARAL , Saksham Haryana, CM Window, Harpath, SMGT, Swachhta App, Beti Bachao- Beti Padhao, Crime and Criminal Tracking Network & System (CCTNS), Police Community Liaison, Swachh Bharat Mission, RTA Office, e-office, Environment Conservation and Jagriti etc.  at the grassroots level. They are expected to take these schemes towards realization of their respective goals.
  • The Additional Principal Secretary to Chief Minister, Dr. Rakesh Gupta, thanked Mr Manohar Lal for guiding the CMGGA program. For 2018-19, a new training batch has been finalized in collaboration with the program's Knowledge Partner Ashoka University, and soon districts would be allocated to them.
  • The CMGGA program has become popular. More than 28,000 applications were received for this new batch as compared to 1,900 last year. This  time 26 associates have been selected from 12 states, he added.