Saturday, September 1, 2018
  • Chandigarh, September 1 – The Chief Justice Mr Justice Krishna Murari and  other senior Judges of the of Punjab and Haryana High Court  has decided to contribute Rs.10,000 each in Kerala Chief Minister Distress Relief Fund in wake of the worst ever floods in Kerala leaving hundreds of people dead and lakhs of people homeless.
  • While stating this stating here today, an official spokesman of Punjab and Haryana High Court said that unprecedented rains wrecked havoc in the state.  The extensive damage to public and private property has paralyzed normal life of millions of people. The task of rehabilitation of the affected and re-development of the infrastructure requires huge resources.
  • He said that in this need of hour the members of legal fraternity in the State of Punjab and Haryana and U.T. Chandigarh share the pain and agony of the people of Kerala and extend their solidarity and support to them. in the meeting of Full Court, the Judges resolved to contribute Rs.10,000 each in Kerala Chief Minister Distress Relief Fund and all the District and Sessions Judges, other Judicial Officers, High Court and Subordinate Court employees and Members of High Court Bar Association and District Bar Associations in the State of Punjab and Haryana and U.T.Chandigarh would be requested to make voluntary contributions.