Monday, September 17, 2018
  • Chandigarh, Sept 17 – Haryana Director General of Police Mr B.S. Sandhu directed the police officers to adopt ‘free registration and quick action’ strategy to deal with criminals especially those involved in crime against women.
  • Mr Sandhu was holding a video-conference with all Range ADGPs/IGs, Commissioners of Police, and district SPs to review law and order situation at Police headquarters today.
  • Giving clear instructions, DGP said that complaints pertaining to crime against women should be registered promptly without any delay in all police stations. Any lapse in this regard will be viewed seriously and officer/official concerned would be held responsible for any kind of negligence. “You should either perform better or face the music”, warned DGP.  
  • Directing the police officers, Mr Sandhu said that Chief Minister is concerned with regard to safety and security of women. A number of initiatives have been taken by the government in this direction. The specific aim of police officers should be to take instant and firm action as soon as the complaint is received. Apart from this, every officer should also keep a close vigil to ensure that no untoward incident takes place in their respective areas.
  • Speaking on this occasion, DG Headquarters, Mr K.K. Mishra said that government has been taking serious initiatives to curb crime against women and children. He said that thorough enquiry is being conducted into the Rewari case to find out any kind of negligence on the part of any police official. In case of any negligence, appropriate action would be taken against the erring officers. District SPs should be more pro-active and sensitive and crime should be curbed in all circumstances.
  • He also emphasized on the need for a specific approach for faster investigation of crimes especially under the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act. Such cases should be monitored on day to day basis by the concerned officers. He also stressed on expeditious trial and conviction of such heinous crimes.
  • The video-conference was attended by DG headquarters, Mr K.K. Mishra, ADGP Crime Mr P.K. Agrawal, ADGP CID Mr Anil Kumar Rao and SP Crime Against Woman, Mrs Manisha Choudhary.