Wednesday, September 19, 2018
  • Chandigarh, September 19: Haryana Roads will be made pothole free by January 2019.
  • This was informed by Additional Principal Secretary to Chief Minister, Dr. Rakesh Gupta during a review meeting taken by him with all Deputy Commissioners, Superintendent of Police and other officers of the districts through video conference.
  • Reviewing Harpath App, Dr Gupta said that 22,000 complaints have been received so far through this App, out of which maximum complaints i.e. 10,000 pertains to Urban Local Bodies. He directed the concerned officers to resolve these complaints as soon as possible. He said that like Karnal has got 4 Stars, all other districts should also speed up the resolving of complaints process. He said that Digital Haryana workshop has started from today in different districts and it would continue in a phased manner.  He said that this workshop would be organized under the chairmanship of concerned Deputy Commissioner.
  • While reviewing Saksham Haryana work, he expressed satisfaction in districts of Panchkula, Sirsa and Hisar under which maximum number of youth have been provided apprenticeship. Similarly private apprentices would also be provided soon. He said that under this scheme, the best working industries would be given a citation and notices will be issued to the non-performing industries. He directed the concerned Nodal Officers of Saksham Haryana Scheme to co-ordinate with the industries on regular basis.
  • While reviewing the Shivdhams renovation Scheme, he directed the officers to collect fifty percent amount through CSR or people from the community groups so that people can get the prescribed facilities as per the scheme. Under this scheme basic facilities like boundary wall, drinking water, sheds and road would be provided for the cremation grounds.
  • Under the e-Panchayat scheme, 5 Gram Panchayats form every block of the State would be selected under which Gram Panchayats will formulate their work plans for developmental work. The announcements made by the Chief Minister on the occasion of the last Environment Day were also discussed in this meeting including ‘Tooti Lagao- Jal Bachao’, water conservation, Paudhgiri, making state polythene free and installing LEDs in the buildings of Haryana Government.  Reviewing Swachh Survekshan scheme, he said that all the Deputy Commissioners should work to make State ODF+ (open defecation free) and ODF++.
  • Similarly, establishing Antyodya Saral Kendras was also discussed with all Deputy Commissioners of the state. All Antyodaya Bhawan will be made functional by November 30 in every district of the State and respective District Social Welfare Officer will be responsible for establishing these under the guidance of the concerned Deputy Commissioners.  He directed all the Deputy Commissioners to review the establishment of these Antyodya buildings within next 10 days and should adopt wherever good work is being done. He said that there should be correct and adequate symbols in the Antyodya Saral Kendras so that visitors should not face any problem.
  • During the meeting, discussions were also held to review Citizen Helpline, Operator Helpline, District Library.