Friday, November 9, 2018
  • Chandigarh, Nov 10 : Haryana Urban Local Bodies department has directed all its municipal authorities to initiate the development works in colonies notified as Civic Amenities and Infrastructure Deficient Municipal Areas.
  • While giving details an official spokesperson said that once the colonies are notified as Civic Amenities and Infrastructure Deficient Municipal Areas, the development works including water supply, sewerage, roads and streetlights would be carried out by respective municipal authorities.
  • However, while approval of building plan or No Objection Certificate for registration of plot etc., it may be ensured that the development charges are duly deposited by the applicant, he added.
  • He said that a letter to this effect has been issued to the concerned deputy commissioners, commissioners municipal corporations, executive officers of municipal councils and secretaries municipal committees by the Urban Local Bodies department.
  • It may be recalled that the Haryana Chief Minister, Mr. Manohar Lal had approved notification of 535 different colonies under the Haryana Management of Civic Amenities and Infrastructure Municipal Areas (Special Provisions) Act, 2016 paving the way for provisioning of major essential services in these colonies. Out of these 535 colonies, 254 fall in the Municipal Corporations, 100 colonies in Municipal Councils and 181 in Municipal Committees.
  • He said that 32 colonies in Gurugram, nine in Faridabad, 23 in Karnal and 29 in Panipat (total 93) have already been declared as Civic Amenities and Infrastructure Deficient Municipal Areas. Over 200 more colonies are still under examination and are soon likely to be declared as Civic Amenities and Infrastructure Deficient Area in the near future.
  • Chandigarh, Nov 9- In Haryana, the applications related to unemployment allowance would be submitted only for which the applicants may apply online by November 30,2018.
  • Giving details, a spokesman of Employment Department said that as per the directions of the Department, all the works related to unemployment allowance would be done through The online application process would continue till November 30 and the print outs alongwith the certificates could be deposited in the Employment office. All the rules and regulations for unemployment allowance are already available on
  • He said that 12th pass outs and graduate applicants who have completed three years of registration, applications from such applicants under unemployment allowance scheme were being invited manually in the month of November every year. However, now they have to apply only through
  • Chandigarh, Nov 9- Haryana will organize Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Summit 2018 in Gurugram on November 12, which will be inaugurated by Chief Minister, Mr Manohar Lal.
  • On this occasion, the Chief Minister would confer CSR awards, besides launching the web portal related to CSR.
  • While giving details, an official spokesperson said that under CSR, in case any company interested to work in collaboration with the district administration may apply through this website.
  • He said that Indian Institute of Corporate Affairs and KPMG would be the knowledge Partners for CSR Summit.
  • He said that Haryana Chief Minister, Mr. Manohar Lal has  already given approval for constituting Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Advisory Board for guidance and review of  the CSR activities in the State and to encourage collaboration between CSR stakeholders in businesses, government and civil society. This would help create and improve the public infrastructure for the welfare of citizens.
  • The Advisory Board would be headed by the Chief Minister whereas the Finance Minister, Industries Minister and Chief Secretary would be the Members of the Board. The other members of the Board would be Principal Secretary to Chief Minister, Representative, CII, Haryana Chapter, Representative, PHDCII, Haryana Chapter, President, HCCI, Representative, Laghu Udyog Bharti, Managing Director, Maruti Suzuki India Ltd., Chairman or Managing Director, Hero Honda Motors Ltd, Executive Director, Panipat Refinery, IOCL Ltd. and Chairman or Managing Director, ISGEC, Yamunanagar. He said that Administrative Secretary, Industries and Commerce would be the Member Secretary of the Advisory Board.
  • He said that Haryana CSR Advisory Board would be the Apex body for all matters relating to the Board. The Board would frame the regulations and procedures for conduct of its business and allocating functions to Haryana CSR Executive Committee. It would create, sanction, abolish and re-designate the posts in Haryana CSR Executive Committee and monitor, supervise and review the functioning of the Committee. The Board would also ratify the annual budget, accounts and reports including audit reports of the Committee and adopt such procedure for transaction of its business.
  • The spokesman said that while reviewing the CSR activities undertaken in the State, Haryana CSR Advisory Board will provide necessary direction, guidance and advice to Haryana CSR Executive Committee for taking up of appropriate CSR Projects in the State.
  • The Haryana CSR Executive Committee would comprise of Chief Secretary as Chairman and Administrative Secretary, Finance Department, Member from industry association- PHD and Member from industry association- CII as the Members. Similarly, Administrative Secretary, Industries and Commerce Department would be the Member-cum-CEO, and Director of Industries and Commerce would be the Member Secretary‑cum-Additional CEO of the Committee.
  • The Haryana CSR Executive Committee would be responsible for policy formulation, monitoring and evaluation of the CSR activities under the Haryana CSR Advisory Board. The Committee would provide secretarial support to the Board and create frame work to support and channelize the corporate efforts, prepare dedicated online portal for registration and to support end-to-end CSR activities as well as to facilitate and support CSR investments of companies and organizations through indirect and direct interventions. The available funding would be used for the betterment of society through public welfare activities.
  • He said that the Haryana CSR Advisory Board would be located in Haryana Enterprise Promotion Centre (HEPC) Office at Panchkula and HEPC would provide secretarial support. The Administrative Secretary, Industries and Commerce Department would be the ex-officio Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Committee. The Director, Industries and Commerce Department would be the ex-officio Additional Chief Executive Officer (Addl. CEO) of the Committee. The CEO would have a designated personal staff and a team of professionals on full time or part time basis. About two per cent of the CSR fund collected by the Haryana CSR Advisory Board will be utilized for the administrative expenses of the Haryana CSR Advisory Board.
  • The spokesman said that role of Haryana CSR Executive Committee would include drafting CSR Policy to create framework to support the corporate efforts and channelize their resources at the point of highest need and ensure proper utilization to create sustainable change in line with Government plans and laying down transparent and defined roadmap for Government support for CSR projects. Similarly, the Committee would work along with various departments to identify the key areas or sectors those can be offered for CSR, identify projects in focused sectors such as public health or hygiene, primary education, primary health and access to clean drinking water for allocation of funds from CSR fund and approve any CSR projects beyond Rs 10 crore investment. He said that the projects with investment up to Rs. 10 crore will be approved by the Administrative Secretary, Industries and Commerce department. All the Administrative powers in respect of the staff working in the Haryana CSR Advisory Board would vest in CEO-cum-Administrative Secretary, Industries and Commerce Department and these may be delegated to the appropriate Officer deputed in the Board. The Committee would recommend creation, sanctioning, abolishment and re-designation of the posts in the Haryana CSR Executive Committee to Haryana CSR Advisory Board. It would also provide approval on allocation of funds from the CSR fund for implementation of proposed projects and approve the annual budget, accounts and reports including audit reports of the Haryana CSR Executive Committee. The Committee would also monitor and evaluate the progress of ongoing CSR activities to make sure envisaged outcomes are achieved, he added.
  • The Haryana CSR Executive Committee would perform various functions including preparation of a dedicated online portal for proper information dissemination and to formulate and implement an end-to-end, easy to use online registration process and facilitating online funding to CSR fund by corporate. The Committee would assess market demand by interacting with the rural and urban marginalized communities such as heads of Gram Panchayats and also local community. The demand assessment would focus on both social as well as infrastructural aspects of the target area and population. The Committee would also develop detailed project reports with budgetary cost estimates to execute the project along with cost of the individual projects and prepare project profiling, briefs, preparation of shelf of projects as per the most urgent needs to local community along with unit costs of individual projects. The Committee would also do project mapping: once the market demand has been assessed and project profiling is done, the next activity would be to focus on the industries willing to finance the projects by inviting corporate bodies to participate in department specific CSR programs across the state, making industries aware of market demand and publishing CSR booklet depicting various aspects related to CSR in the department. It would arrange workshops, conferences with the corporate bodies for kick starting CSR aligned activities in the state, present shelf of projects as made in demand assessment and buy in from Industries to fund the projects. The Committee would implement various CSR projects of state importance through credible implementing agencies in that area. It would prepare dedicated communication strategy including a social media campaign for ensuring proper information dissemination. The CSR Advisory Board would track and monitor the physical as well as financial progress of each project. Financial project monitoring would include detailed mapping of funds utilization and project accounting with the provision of Utilization Certificate (UC). Detailed financial and physical project Progress Reports would be circulated to all CSR stakeholders for each project. It would also facilitate any other assistance directly or indirectly for activities which seek to promote CSR practices and streamline the process of CSR contribution by the corporate sector in the State. The Committee would also publicize about Haryana CSR Advisory Board, post notification, with leading industrial houses in the state and further ensuring registration of corporate with the Haryana CSR Executive Committee
  • Chandigarh, Nov 9- In Haryana, state level ‘Khel Mahakumbh’ would be  organised under which sports competitions for boys and girls  would be held in various districts of the state from November 13 to 15.
  • While giving details, a spokesman of Haryana Sports and Youth Affairs Department said that under this state level ‘Khel Mahakumbh’, the competitions of Gymnastics and Badminton would be organised in district Ambala, Athletics and Table Tennis in district Panchkula, Volley Ball and Judo in district Karnal, Hockey and Wrestling in district Rohtak, Boxing and Kabaddi in district Bhiwani, Handball, Archery and Tennis in district Gurugram and Football and Basketball in district Hisar respectively.
  • He said that various sports instructors, officers and employees have been deputed at all the competition venues of the State so as to conduct the event successfully. For this, the officials and the teams have been directed to reach their venues by November 12, he added.
  • Chandigarh, Nov 09: Haryana Finance Minister, Capt Abhimanyu said that all the ITIs of Haryana would soon start courses to generate skilled artisans in the field of construction work related to bricks, wood, iron, plumbing, tiles, paint etc.
  • Capt Abhimanyu was addressing the public gathering as a chief guest on the occasion of Bhagwan Vishwakarma Day function organised by Panchal Samiti at village Badala in Hisar today. On this occasion, he also announced a grant of Rs. 11 lakh for the construction of Bhagwan Vishwakarma Bhavan in village Badala.
  •  He said that since 70 years of Independent India, no particular focus was given to develop the traditional skill and art of this country. Famous temples built thousands of years ago, Taj Mahal being one of the seven wonders of the world and the recently constructed tallest statue of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel established at Gujarat are the best examples of creativity and skills of our artisans. But these traditional disciplines are not taught with modern perspective in any institute. For the skill development of youth, the present state government has established Haryana Bhagwan Vishwakarma Skill University in district Palwal where work on refining the traditional art and skill would be done. The government has decided to develop the skills of the youth to make them employable.
  • He said that the Prime Minister Mr Narendra Modi himself comes from working class of people. The Prime Minister is well aware about the problems of working class and he has done works to implement the message of Bhagwan Vishwakarma in this country. He is the first Prime Minister of the country who did efforts for the youth of our country to be well versed in one or the other skill. He knows that only 10th, 12th or college education cannot provide adequate employment to youth, thus he has established skill development centres across the country where the youth can learn the skills as per their choice and get employment accordingly.
  • While announcing a grant of Rs. 11 lakh for the construction of Bhagwan Vishwakarma Bhavan in village Badala, the Finance Minister urged the villagers from every household, religion or caste to collectively support for the construction of this building. When all the 36 communities would cooperate for the construction of this building, it would bring a sense of belongingness, he added.
  • The Minister said that soon a drinking water project would be set up in this village and the villagers would be able to get benefits from this project within next three or four months. Similarly, an irrigation project worth Rs 2.5 crore has been approved for this village and the funds are released.
  • Capt Abhimanyu urged the people to support Mhara Gaon-Jagmag Gaon Yojana, under which 2800 villages of the state are already getting round the clock power supply, so that village would be supplied 24 hour power