Sunday, November 25, 2018
  • Chandigarh, November 25 – Haryana Chief Minister, Mr Manohar Lal greeted the people of the state on the occasion of Constitution Day and urged them to follow the ideals and values as enshrined in the Constitution.  The Constitution Day is celebrated on November 26 every year since 2015 to commemorate the adoption of constitution on November 26, 1949.  
  • Paying tributes to the principal architect of the Constitution, Dr Bhimrao Ambedkar, he said that Baba Saheb dedicated his entire life to eradicate social inequality and establish a social order to give equal opportunities to all including the disadvantaged group. The day should be marked to create the importance of the constitution and to spread unparalleled vision of Dr Ambedkar, he added.
  • Citing Baba Saheb’s quote, ‘Life should be great rather than long’, he said that noble deeds and empathy for human beings leads to a life lived to the fullest.
  • Mr Manohar Lal said that on Constitution Day, we should also salute the great women and men who gave the country a Constitution, which signifies the sovereignty of the people.
  • Chandigarh, Novmber 25- Haryana Chief Minister, Mr Manohar Lal today attended the Naval Bhor Samaroh organized by Divya Jyoti Jagrati Sansthan at Satsang Ashram, Nakodar Road, Nurmahal, Jalandhar. 
  • The Chief Minister paid obeisance to Ashutosh Maharaj ji and spent time listening to Satsang.  He also visited the Gaushala of the Ashram.
  • Chandigarh, November 25 – Haryana Governor Mr Satyadeo Narain Arya exhorted the parents to take proper care of their children especially their health as children are the future of the nation.
  • The Governor was addressing the State level Bal Mahotsav and Prize Distribution function organized by Haryana State Council for Child Welfare at Rohtak today.
  • Mr Arya said that the person with a good health has more capability to perform better. He said that several schemes have been launched under the leadership of the Prime Minister, Mr Narendra Modi for the better future of the children and for all round development of their personality. These included Mission Indradhanush, National health programme, Swachh Bharat Swasth Bharat, Pandit Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Grameen Kaushal Yojana, Beti Bachao - Beti Padhao and Sabka Saath Sabka Vikas. He said that Haryana under the leadership of Chief Minister, Mr Manohar Lal is   effectively implementing these schemes so that the benefits percolate down to the grassroot level. He urged the people to contribute in making these schemes highly successful. He appealed to the people to dedicatedly work by adopting discipline in life.
  • The Governor awarded and honoured the District Welfare Council for Children, Jhajjar for outstanding performance in activities related to welfare of Children.  He honoured Chairperson of the Council and Deputy Commissioner, Jhajjar, Ms Sonal Goel and Additional Deputy Commissioner, Mr Sushil Sarwan.  Lauding the efforts of the Deputy Commissioner in this direction, he said that her work for the welfare of children is exemplary.  
  • Chandigarh, Nov 25 : Haryana Finance Minister, Capt Abhimanyu said that educational institutions and teachers have an important place in making a cultured society. Thus, the teachers should constantly work for the upliftment of society by inculcating moral values in the future generation. Educational institutions being run with the cooperation of society always provide quality education.
  • Capt Abhimanyu was speaking as a chief guest on the closing ceremony of one day seminar organised by college teacher association in Chhotu Ram Kisan College, in district Jind today.
  • He said that organizing such seminars in such fast moving life of nowadays would definitely promote quality in education. The people associated with education and educational institutions should focus on providing quality education for ensuring overall development of society, he added. 
  • Referring to the demands laid down by the Association, Capt Abhimanyu said that under the leadership of Chief Minister, Mr  Manohar Lal, the teachers have been given due respect and provided with their rights.  He acknowledged the role of private sector educational institutions in promoting education. 
  • He said that state government is constantly working to promote education. While appreciating the role of private and aided schools and colleges, he said that such institutions are also providing qualitative education to the students. He said that in order to promote quality education in the interest of the society, suggestions of common people are being considered while formulating policies. The Finance Minister said that discussions during such state level seminars provide important information.
  • On this occasion, the News Bulletin booklet was also released on 42nd Session of Haryana College Teacher Association having details of activities related to education.