Saturday, October 13, 2018
  • Chandigarh, Oct 13 – Haryana Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare Minister, Mr. O.P. Dhankar said that  we are proud of our sportspersons  for bringing laurels to the state at national and international level.
  • Mr. Dhankar was speaking after honouring the winning players at the concluding ceremony of three-day District Level Sports Competition at district Jhajjar today.
  • He said that more than 3,500 players have participated in this competition. He said that 15 competitions were organised in which 1,029 winning players were given cash prizes of Rs 12.76 lakh. The player bagging first place was given Rs 2,000 and players bagging second and third places were given Rs 1,500 and Rs 1,000, respectively.
  • The Minister also gave one track suit each to 1,029 players out of his discretionary funds. He said that marathon would be organised in Jhajjar on November 11 and track suit would be given to all winning players of marathon.
  • Chandigarh, Oct 13 – Haryana Government has clarified that the State Treasury has adequate amount of funds and there is no shortage of funds.
  • A spokesman of the Finance Department stating this here today said  that there are 104 treasuries and 9,300 Drawing and Disbursing Officers (DDOs) in the state. He said that priority is given to the payment of farmers and recently for this purpose, all the treasuries had been disabled and centralised system was used to make payment to farmers. It is part of financial management and is adopted in normal routine, he added.
  • The spokesman said that payment of Rs 218 crore was made by treasuries on October 8 and Rs 76 crore on October 9. He said that October 10 was a gazetted holiday therefore no payment was made on that day. Similarly, payment of Rs 388 crore was made on October 11 and Rs 950 crore on October 12. He said that out of the total payment made on these four days, payment of Rs 840 crore was made to farmers for paddy.
  • Chandigarh, Oct 13 – Haryana Chief Minister, Mr. Manohar Lal visited nine pilgrimages in district Jind and laid foundation stones and inaugurated 13 development projects amounting to about Rs 78 crore in the district.
  • The Chief Minister visited Ashwinikumar tiratha, Varhakalan tiratha, Bhuteshwar tiratha, Vamsamulam tiratha, Som Tiratha, Ekhamsa Tiratha, Ramhrad Tiratha, Sannchit Tiratha and Pushkar Tiratha falling in district Jind. Earlier, he had visited 14 pilgrimages of district Kurukshetra, 13 of district Karnal and later, he would visit the pilgrimages of district Kaithal and Panipat.
  • On this occasion, the Chief Minister also assured to fulfil the demands put forth by the respective Gram Panchayats and said that there is no dearth of funds for development works.
  • During the occasion, he said that Lord Krishna delivered the divine message of Bhagavad Gita at holy land of Kurukshetra. The battle of Mahabharata was for righteousness and justice, he added. He said that to spread the message of Gita at international level since 2015, the State Government has organized Gita Jayanti at large scale. About 25 lakh pilgrims visited Brahamsarovar during last year’s Gita Mahotsav. He said that special bus service has been started for these pilgrimages.
  • He said that the Prime Minister, Mr. Narendra Modi has given the message of cleanliness to people and set a target to provide a clean India to people on Mahatma Gandhi’s Jayanti in 2019. He said that ghats, clean water in sarovars, sheds, high mask lights and toilets would be got constructed in the pilgrimages for providing better facilities to the pilgrims visiting these pilgrimages.
  • Others present on the occasion included Member of Parliament, Mr. Ramesh Kaushik, MLAs Mrs. Prem Lata and Mr. Jasbir Deswal, OSD to Chief Minister, Mr. Amrinder Singh and other dignitaries.
  • Chandigarh, October 13: Haryana Chief Minister, Mr Manohar Lal has offered the traders of worldwide wholesale market to make Haryana as a base for their activities so that marketing of farming produce gets a fillip in the state leading to further strengthening the farmers economically. He assured them all support including infrastructure and mandi, and said that out of total 108 mandis in state, 54 has already been linked the E-Market (E-NAM) system. 
  • Mr Manohar Lal was speaking as a Chief Guest in the Closing ceremony of two days 32ndWorld Conference of World Union of Wholesale Markets (WUWM) in Gurugram late last evening. The theme of the conference was ‘The Wholesale Markets in the Digital Era: Challenges and Opportunities’. Delegates from a total of 19 countries from five continents, Embassies and diplomatic officers from 16 countries and over 50 Indian delegates from different State Agricultural Marketing Boards of India participated in this conference.
  • While addressing the delegates of India and other countries, the Chief Minister said that the atmosphere of Haryana is quite conducive to their marketing system as the state has a locational advantage. It surrounds the National Capital Delhi from three sides and also near to the International Airport at New Delhi. He also described Gurugram as the fastest and developing city of Haryana where offices of more than 200 Fortune 500 Companies are located. 
  • The Chief Minister said that Haryana is developing huge Mandi in Gannaur over 545 acres of land which would  be the biggest Mandi in Asia, bigger than Azadpur Mandi. He invited the participants of the World Conference to collaborate as traders in upcoming Gannaur Mandi.  He assured them of all support and help from the state government.
  • Referring to E-Marketing system, Mr Manohar Lal said that a system need to be developed to integrate the traditionally operating commission agents  with this E-Marketing, so that their employment do not get affected. This is a challenge and the WUWM should come up with a solution. He said that large population of the state is dependent on agriculture, so proper marketing of their farm produce need to be evolved and for this facilities were being created. 
  • He said that it is difficult to access the volume of crop production of farmers as it depends on various factors like climate change, environment condition and natural calamities, therefore, special emphasis was being given on developing better marketing system so that farmers income is assured. Sharing the Prime Minister Mr Narendra Modi’s vision to double income of the farmers by 2022, he said that Mr Modi has given a structural formula in which 50 percent profit would be given to them over and above the cost of production. Today Haryana is progressing fast in the field of agriculture. In 1966, when Haryana  was carved out as a separate state, it used to import food grains to meet its own demand, but now it produces more than 20 million metric tonnes. 
  • Union Minister of State for External Affairs, General (Retd.) V.K. Singh said that Haryana has been pioneer of the Green Revolution in the Country and now it is the 2nd largest producer of food grains, 7th in flower production and 10th in vegetables and fruits production in the country. It has recorded highest rate of growth in agriculture sector. He congratulated the farmers and people of the state for this achievement.  He said that till the time the farmers, producers, dairy owner did not get remunerative prices, they would not be incentivised to produce more also. Therefore, farmers, producers and sellers need to be considered together. He said that we have small land holdings and input cost on higher side. There is need to develop new technologies and provide facilities like cold chain and food chain to spur growth. He hoped that the conference would have provided better suggestions and said that we are willing to assist each other in developing global wholesale market. 
  • Haryana Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare Minister, Mr O.P. Dhankar stressed the need of providing a platform of direct marketing to the farmers as on one hand it would provide fresh products to the consumers, and on the other, it would ensure remunerative prices to the producer or farmers.  He said that this system would definitely benefit the upcoming Flower Mandi of Gurugram, Apple Mandi of Pinjore and Gannaur Mandi. He assured that the best practices being followed by the mandis across the world be it in the field of cold chain, digitalization and better management would be implemented in the Haryana Mandis. 
  • Chairman, WUWM, Mr Zengjun Ma and Vice Chairman Mr Stephen Lyani also spoke on this occasion. 
  • Earlier, Additional Chief Secretary, Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare Department, Mrs Navraj Sandu presented the welcome address.