Thursday, August 23, 2018
  • Chandigarh, August 23 - In Haryana, harvesting of paddy without Straw Management System (SMS) will not be allowed. Apart from this, 108 Custom Hiring Centers (CHCs) have so far been set up in Kaithal district and 112 more CHCs would be set up by the end of the year.
  • This was informed by Principal Secretary, Haryana Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare Department, Dr. Abhilaksh Likhi during the inspection of new CHCs being run by farmer Mr. Gulab Singh of village Kaul and farmer Mr. Rajbir Singh, son Om Prakash, village Sakra, at district Kaithal today.
  • The Principal Secretary informed the farmers’ groups about the main schemes being run by the Department so that they can avail their benefits.
  • He said that the main objective of the Super Straw Management System (SMS) is to cut the crop residue into small pieces so that farmers would not have to burn them and they can sow the next crop. Applications for this device can be submitted to the Department. He said that the government is giving special emphasis to the crop residue management and as per the orders issued by the Haryana State Pollution Control Board, installation of Super Straw Management System (SMS) equipment with Harvesting Combiners has been mandatory.
  • He informed the farmers that the main purpose of CHCs is to manage crop residue. Dr Likhi said that the State Government has made a provision to provide 80 per cent grant on the purchase of agriculture equipment through CHC and 50 per cent grant in case of individual purchase.
  • He said that the Central Government has provided Rs 137 crore for crop residual management in the state. He said that special awareness campaigns have also been launched at village, block and district level. The state aims to set up 900 enterprises based CHCs and to provide benefits to 5,536 individual farmers through subsidy.