Friday, August 24, 2018
  • Chandigarh August 24: Haryana Chief Minister, Mr Manohar Lal, announced that the State Government would provide grant at the rate of Rs 3000 per employee to those industries in the State that would provide over fifty per cent jobs to the youth in industries of C and D areas of the state. The grant would be given every month for three years. It was also being considered to provide such grant to industries of A and B areas.
  • Mr Manohar Lal was speaking as a Chief Guest in the States' @ New India 2022 Conclave on the theme ‘Strong States Make Strong Nation’ organized by PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry in New Delhi today. Deputy Chief Minister, Delhi Mr. Manish Sisodia and President PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Mr. Anil Khaitan was also present on this occasion.
  • While referring to the policy changes, new Haryana Enterprise Promotion Policy-2015, Haryana Enterprise Promotion Centre and infrastructure available for industrial sector that has given a new impetus to the industrial growth in the State, he said that the State Government is providing rebate of Rs two per unit in the electricity bills to Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in the State to further promote such units. He said that besides the auto textile business, pharmaceuticals Industry in the State has also made a rapid progress in the recent years.  
  • Throwing light on the performance of the State on export front, the Chief Minister said that Haryana ranked fifth in the country in terms of export. The State today accounts for exports of nearly Rs 82,566 crore during the year 2016-17. In the line of the Prime Minister, Mr Narendra Modi’s Make in India initiative, special emphasis is being given on Make in Haryana, he added.
  • He said that it is matter of pride that, in terms of Ease of Doing Business ranking, Haryana ranked first in northern states and at number third in the country. Owing to the concerted efforts of the state government, Haryana is ranked one in implementation and feedback of reforms related to Pollution Board and ranked two in implementation of reforms related to Department of Labour and Haryana Enterprise Promotion Centre.
  • He said that the State Government has also fast tracked the mechanism of granting approval to the industrial houses for setting up new units. Now, all requisite approval for establishing new industrial units in the State is given within a period of just 45 days through Haryana Enterprise Promotion Centre. He said that today the country is taking a new shape as a result of the various programmes launched under the dynamic leadership of Prime Minister, Mr Narendra Modi like Make in India, Skill India, Digital India, Start-up India and Stand up India.
  • While referring to the Mega Food Park scheme, Mr Manohar Lal said that Food Processing Industries are among the priority sectors of the State Government. He said that in view of the 135 kilometers Kundli-Manesar-Palwal Expressway, Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor, Hisar Aviation Hub and the proposed five towns to be set up alongwith the KMP Expressway, the investors should come forward and make maximum investment in the State.
  • Deputy Chief Minister of Delhi Mr Manish Sisodia, Haryana Additional Chief Secretary, Industries Mr Devender Singh, Additional Chief Secretary, Punjab Mrs Vini Mahajan, President PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Mr. Anil Khaitan, Managing Director of Invest India and Chief Executive Officer Mr Deepak Bagla, President of ESRI Mr Agendra Kumar and Senior Vice President of PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry Mr Rajeev Talwar also spoke on this occasion.