Wednesday, September 5, 2018
  • Chandigarh, Sept 5- Haryana government has decided to amend the Haryana Motor Vehicle Rules, 1993 to provide financial assistance in the form of compensation to accident victims involving vehicles which are not insured and to make the owner and driver of such vehicles to face criminal proceedings. The new rules will be called the Haryana Motor Vehicles (Amendment) Rules, 2018.
  •  A decision to this effect was taken in the meeting of State Cabinet held under the Chairmanship of Chief Minister, Mr Manohar Lal here today.
  •  As per the new Rules, every application for compensation will be accompanied with the list of all moveable or immoveable properties of the driver and the owner of the vehicle involved in the accident. In case of immoveable property, the list of the same will be duly certified by the revenue officer of the area concerned, of the driver and owner of vehicle involved in the accident.
  • No court will release a motor vehicle involved in an accident resulting in death or bodily injury or damage to property, when such property is not covered by the policy of insurance against third party risks taken in the name of registered owner or when the registered owner  fails to furnish copy of such insurance policy despite demand by investigating police officer, unless and until the registered owner furnishes sufficient security to the satisfaction of the court to pay compensation that may be awarded in a claim case arising out of such accident.
  • Where the motor vehicle is not covered by a policy of insurance against third party risks, or when registered owner of the motor vehicle fails to furnish copy of such policy in circumstance mentioned in sub rule (1), the Motor Vehicle will be sold off in public auction by the magistrate having jurisdiction over the area where accident occurred, on expiry of three months of vehicle being taken in possession by the investigating police officer, and proceeds thereof will be deposited with the claims tribunal having jurisdiction over the area in question, within 15 days for purpose of satisfying the compensation that may have been awarded, or may be awarded in a claim case arising out of such accident.